Case stories on capacity development and sustainable results

Case stories on capacity development and sustainable results

Case stories on capacity development and sustainable results


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guinea-bissau13GUINEA-BISSAU – Supporting<strong>development</strong> of theeducati<strong>on</strong> systemC<strong>on</strong>textIn 2009, the chance of children in Guinea-Bissau attending school was 76 percent,with a 48 percent chance of completingbasic educati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> a 17 percent chanceof completing sec<strong>on</strong>dary educati<strong>on</strong>. Ofall children enrolled in first grade, morethan half either had to repeat the year ordropped out. Only 40 percent of basic educati<strong>on</strong>teachers had received pre-servicetraining, <strong>and</strong> the situati<strong>on</strong> was aggravatedby inadequate curricula <strong>and</strong> insufficientaccess to textbooks.Following a review of the educati<strong>on</strong> sectorin 2009, the Government of Guinea-Bissaurevised its Policy Strategy for Educati<strong>on</strong>,<strong>and</strong> sought IPAD’s support for the policy’simplementati<strong>on</strong>.Development <strong>results</strong>After four years of a Community Educati<strong>on</strong>Development project (+Escola/DjuntaM<strong>on</strong>) <strong>and</strong> two years of an Educati<strong>on</strong> SystemDevelopment Programme, both covering246 basic <strong>and</strong> sec<strong>on</strong>dary schools, teachers’skills rose up to 27 percent, <strong>and</strong> dropoutsfell by up to 70 percent.A complete reform of the curricula is <strong>on</strong>going,with newly introduced pre-schoolcurricula <strong>and</strong> revised basic educati<strong>on</strong> curriculanow focusing <strong>on</strong> language skills <strong>and</strong>c<strong>on</strong>textualized learning.Improved <strong>and</strong> affordable teaching materials<strong>and</strong> books have been developed <strong>and</strong>introduced with extensive teacher participati<strong>on</strong>.Enhanced performanceA <strong>sustainable</strong> in-service peer-to peertraining system has been developed<strong>and</strong> rolled out, whereby skilled teachersare identified <strong>and</strong> selected to train otherteachers, observe their classes, <strong>and</strong> discussimprovements using structured tools.The Ministry of Educati<strong>on</strong> has created aregulatory envir<strong>on</strong>ment enabling skilledteachers to train their peers, including thenew Teaching Statutory Law, approved in2010, which authorises regular teachers totrain other teachers (Estatuto da CarreiraDocente, Article 27), while reducing theirclass teaching schedules.Upgrading their status has proven to bea sufficient incentive for the peer-trainers,ResultsThe Ministry of Educati<strong>on</strong>’s Sector Policy Strategyled a process of reform of the educati<strong>on</strong> system.Teachers’ skills rose up to 27 percent, <strong>and</strong>dropouts fell by up to 70 percent.School curricula are being revised <strong>and</strong> newteaching material introduced.

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