Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...


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206 Chap. 6 Non-Binary Treeslence oper<strong>at</strong>ion. This is an example of amortized analysis, discussed further inSection General Tree Implement<strong>at</strong>ionsWe now tackle the problem of devising an implement<strong>at</strong>ion for general trees th<strong>at</strong>allows efficient processing for all member functions of the ADTs shown in Figure6.2. This section presents several approaches to implementing general trees.Each implement<strong>at</strong>ion yields advantages <strong>and</strong> disadvantages in the amount of spacerequired to store a node <strong>and</strong> the rel<strong>at</strong>ive ease with which key oper<strong>at</strong>ions can beperformed. General tree implement<strong>at</strong>ions should place no restriction on how manychildren a node may have. In some applic<strong>at</strong>ions, once a node is cre<strong>at</strong>ed the numberof children never changes. In such cases, a fixed amount of space can be alloc<strong>at</strong>edfor the node when it is cre<strong>at</strong>ed, based on the number of children for the node. M<strong>at</strong>tersbecome more complic<strong>at</strong>ed if children can be added to or deleted from a node,requiring th<strong>at</strong> the node’s space alloc<strong>at</strong>ion be adjusted accordingly.6.3.1 List of ChildrenOur first <strong>at</strong>tempt to cre<strong>at</strong>e a general tree implement<strong>at</strong>ion is called the “list of children”implement<strong>at</strong>ion for general trees. It simply stores with each internal node alinked list of its children. This is illustr<strong>at</strong>ed by Figure 6.9.The “list of children” implement<strong>at</strong>ion stores the tree nodes in an array. Eachnode contains a value, a pointer (or index) to its parent, <strong>and</strong> a pointer to a linked listof the node’s children, stored in order from left to right. Each linked list elementcontains a pointer to one child. Thus, the leftmost child of a node can be founddirectly because it is the first element in the linked list. However, to find the rightsibling for a node is more difficult. Consider the case of a node M <strong>and</strong> its parent P.To find M’s right sibling, we must move down the child list of P until the linked listelement storing the pointer to M has been found. Going one step further takes us tothe linked list element th<strong>at</strong> stores a pointer to M’s right sibling. Thus, in the worstcase, to find M’s right sibling requires th<strong>at</strong> all children of M’s parent be searched.Combining trees using this represent<strong>at</strong>ion is difficult if each tree is stored in asepar<strong>at</strong>e node array. If the nodes of both trees are stored in a single node array, thenadding tree T as a subtree of node R is done by simply adding the root of T to R’slist of children.6.3.2 The Left-Child/Right-Sibling Implement<strong>at</strong>ionWith the “list of children” implement<strong>at</strong>ion, it is difficult to access a node’s rightsibling. Figure 6.10 presents an improvement. Here, each node stores its value<strong>and</strong> pointers to its parent, leftmost child, <strong>and</strong> right sibling. Thus, each of the basic

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