Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...


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44 Chap. 2 M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ical PreliminariesWe can use a similar process to prove many recursive programs correct. Thegeneral form is to show th<strong>at</strong> the base cases perform correctly, <strong>and</strong> then to use theinduction hypothesis to show th<strong>at</strong> the recursive step also produces the correct result.Prior to this, we must prove th<strong>at</strong> the function always termin<strong>at</strong>es, which might alsobe done using an induction proof.2.7 Estim<strong>at</strong>ionOne of the most useful life skills th<strong>at</strong> you can gain from your computer sciencetraining is the ability to perform quick estim<strong>at</strong>es. This is sometimes known as “backof the napkin” or “back of the envelope” calcul<strong>at</strong>ion. Both nicknames suggestth<strong>at</strong> only a rough estim<strong>at</strong>e is produced. Estim<strong>at</strong>ion techniques are a st<strong>and</strong>ard partof engineering curricula but are often neglected in computer science. Estim<strong>at</strong>ionis no substitute for rigorous, detailed analysis of a problem, but it can serve toindic<strong>at</strong>e when a rigorous analysis is warranted: If the initial estim<strong>at</strong>e indic<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong>the solution is unworkable, then further analysis is probably unnecessary.Estim<strong>at</strong>ion can be formalized by the following three-step process:1. Determine the major parameters th<strong>at</strong> affect the problem.2. Derive an equ<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> rel<strong>at</strong>es the parameters to the problem.3. Select values for the parameters, <strong>and</strong> apply the equ<strong>at</strong>ion to yield an estim<strong>at</strong>edsolution.When doing estim<strong>at</strong>ions, a good way to reassure yourself th<strong>at</strong> the estim<strong>at</strong>e isreasonable is to do it in two different ways. In general, if you want to know wh<strong>at</strong>comes out of a system, you can either try to estim<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> directly, or you canestim<strong>at</strong>e wh<strong>at</strong> goes into the system (assuming th<strong>at</strong> wh<strong>at</strong> goes in must l<strong>at</strong>er comeout). If both approaches (independently) give similar answers, then this shouldbuild confidence in the estim<strong>at</strong>e.When calcul<strong>at</strong>ing, be sure th<strong>at</strong> your units m<strong>at</strong>ch. For example, do not add feet<strong>and</strong> pounds. Verify th<strong>at</strong> the result is in the correct units. Always keep in mind th<strong>at</strong>the output of a calcul<strong>at</strong>ion is only as good as its input. The more uncertain yourvalu<strong>at</strong>ion for the input parameters in Step 3, the more uncertain the output value.However, back of the envelope calcul<strong>at</strong>ions are often meant only to get an answerwithin an order of magnitude, or perhaps within a factor of two. Before doing anestim<strong>at</strong>e, you should decide on acceptable error bounds, such as within 25%, withina factor of two, <strong>and</strong> so forth. Once you are confident th<strong>at</strong> an estim<strong>at</strong>e falls withinyour error bounds, leave it alone! Do not try to get a more precise estim<strong>at</strong>e thannecessary for your purpose.Example 2.18 How many library bookcases does it take to store bookscontaining one million pages? I estim<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> a 500-page book requires

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