Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...


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310 Chap. 9 SearchingThis is potentially a useful observ<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> typical “real-life” distributions ofrecord accesses, if the records were ordered by frequency, would require th<strong>at</strong> wevisit on average only 10-15% of the list when doing sequential search. This meansth<strong>at</strong> if we had an applic<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> used sequential search, <strong>and</strong> we wanted to make itgo a bit faster (by a constant amount), we could do so without a major rewrite tothe system to implement something like a search tree. But th<strong>at</strong> is only true if thereis an easy way to (<strong>at</strong> least approxim<strong>at</strong>ely) order the records by frequency.In most applic<strong>at</strong>ions, we have no means of knowing in advance the frequenciesof access for the d<strong>at</strong>a records. To complic<strong>at</strong>e m<strong>at</strong>ters further, certain records mightbe accessed frequently for a brief period of time, <strong>and</strong> then rarely thereafter. Thus,the probability of access for records might change over time (in most d<strong>at</strong>abasesystems, this is to be expected). Self-organizing lists seek to solve both of theseproblems.Self-organizing lists modify the order of records within the list based on theactual p<strong>at</strong>tern of record access. Self-organizing lists use a heuristic for decidinghow to to reorder the list. These heuristics are similar to the rules for managingbuffer pools (see Section 8.3). In fact, a buffer pool is a form of self-organizinglist. Ordering the buffer pool by expected frequency of access is a good str<strong>at</strong>egy,because typically we must search the contents of the buffers to determine if thedesired inform<strong>at</strong>ion is already in main memory. When ordered by frequency ofaccess, the buffer <strong>at</strong> the end of the list will be the one most appropri<strong>at</strong>e for reusewhen a new page of inform<strong>at</strong>ion must be read. Below are three traditional heuristicsfor managing self-organizing lists:1. The most obvious way to keep a list ordered by frequency would be to storea count of accesses to each record <strong>and</strong> always maintain records in this order.This method will be referred to as count. Count is similar to the leastfrequently used buffer replacement str<strong>at</strong>egy. Whenever a record is accessed,it might move toward the front of the list if its number of accesses becomesgre<strong>at</strong>er than a record preceding it. Thus, count will store the records in theorder of frequency th<strong>at</strong> has actually occurred so far. Besides requiring spacefor the access counts, count does not react well to changing frequency ofaccess over time. Once a record has been accessed a large number of timesunder the frequency count system, it will remain near the front of the listregardless of further access history.2. Bring a record to the front of the list when it is found, pushing all the otherrecords back one position. This is analogous to the least recently used bufferreplacement str<strong>at</strong>egy <strong>and</strong> is called move-to-front. This heuristic is easy toimplement if the records are stored using a linked list. When records arestored in an array, bringing a record forward from near the end of the arraywill result in a large number of records (slightly) changing position. Moveto-front’scost is bounded in the sense th<strong>at</strong> it requires <strong>at</strong> most twice the num-

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