Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis - Computer Science at ...


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Sec. 13.3 Sp<strong>at</strong>ial <strong>D<strong>at</strong>a</strong> <strong>Structures</strong> 449ACABB(a)(b)Figure 13.17 PR quadtree insertion example. (a) The initial PR quadtree containingtwo d<strong>at</strong>a points. (b) The result of inserting point C. The block containing Amust be decomposed into four sub-blocks. Points A <strong>and</strong> C would still be in thesame block if only one subdivision takes place, so a second decomposition is requiredto separ<strong>at</strong>e them.whose y value falls in the range 0 to 63. If the root’s child is a leaf node, then th<strong>at</strong>child is checked to see if Q has been found. If the child is another internal node, thesearch process continues through the tree until a leaf node is found. If this leaf nodestores a record whose position m<strong>at</strong>ches Q then the query is successful; otherwise Qis not in the tree.Inserting record P into the PR quadtree is performed by first loc<strong>at</strong>ing the leafnode th<strong>at</strong> contains the loc<strong>at</strong>ion of P. If this leaf node is empty, then P is stored<strong>at</strong> this leaf. If the leaf already contains P (or a record with P’s coordin<strong>at</strong>es), thena duplic<strong>at</strong>e record should be reported. If the leaf node already contains anotherrecord, then the node must be repe<strong>at</strong>edly decomposed until the existing record <strong>and</strong>P fall into different leaf nodes. Figure 13.17 shows an example of such an insertion.Deleting a record P is performed by first loc<strong>at</strong>ing the node N of the PR quadtreeth<strong>at</strong> contains P. Node N is then changed to be empty. The next step is to look <strong>at</strong> N’sthree siblings. N <strong>and</strong> its siblings must be merged together to form a single node N ′if only one point is contained among them. This merging process continues untilsome level is reached <strong>at</strong> which <strong>at</strong> least two points are contained in the subtrees representedby node N ′ <strong>and</strong> its siblings. For example, if point C is to be deleted fromthe PR quadtree representing Figure 13.17(b), the resulting node must be mergedwith its siblings, <strong>and</strong> th<strong>at</strong> larger node again merged with its siblings to restore thePR quadtree to the decomposition of Figure 13.17(a).Region search is easily performed with the PR quadtree. To loc<strong>at</strong>e all pointswithin radius r of query point Q, begin <strong>at</strong> the root. If the root is an empty leaf node,then no d<strong>at</strong>a points are found. If the root is a leaf containing a d<strong>at</strong>a record, then the

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