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Right, the Honda 199 prototypedesigned for the japanese factoryin cooperation with Harvey Postlethwaitemany obstacles: firstly, there w<strong>as</strong> thebudget cup which attracted new teamsto enter F1, but then failed tomaterialize; then the financial mishapsof the Campos-Meta team, which in lessthan a month changed owner andbecame Hispania Racing Team, managedby Colin Kolles. Then the debut inBahrein, where the first GP of the se<strong>as</strong>onw<strong>as</strong> transformed into a shakedown forthe <strong>Dallara</strong> ch<strong>as</strong>sis.In the Engineer’s wordsMontanari: "The F1 today? Ultra technological, but does it cost too much"Pignacca: "We need regulations to help the show"We spoke about <strong>Dallara</strong>’s F1 experience withthe director of production and engineer ItaloMontanari, who h<strong>as</strong> been with them since thedays of Scuderia Italia.What is your <strong>as</strong>sessment of Dallare in F1 inthese years?“With regards to the Honda and Midlandprojects, there w<strong>as</strong> a block that did not comefrom us, but from the client. With reference tothe experience with Scuderia Italia on theother hand, I would say it w<strong>as</strong> positive. Wewere one of the few small teams to finishseveral times in the points and to becompetitive”.How do you see F1 today?“It is not good for the small teams. It requires acrazy budget that only the big car companiescan afford. It is difficult to stay afloat for <strong>as</strong>mall team. Furthermore, at a technologicallevel, in the p<strong>as</strong>t the transfer of knowledgebetween track and industry benefited thesmaller teams who took a lot from theinnovations in F1. Now the F1 singleseater is aworld within itself, almost self-referential”.Does the technological evolution also bringmanagement problems?“Yes, I would say almost an ex<strong>as</strong>peration thatmakes you look around at the others. There islittle time to experiment, optimze…”. EngineerLuca Pignacca, <strong>Dallara</strong>’s chief designer is onthe same wavelength; we <strong>as</strong>ked him what thedifference w<strong>as</strong> between today’s <strong>Dallara</strong> andthat of twenty years ago. “Compared to twentyyears ago, technology h<strong>as</strong> moved forward inleaps and bounds. What is striking is thecomplexity of all the systems, especiallyelectronic and hydraulic. The <strong>Dallara</strong> BMS ofScuderia Italia w<strong>as</strong> technologically at a muchlower level than today’s GP2”.Regarding GP2, how is it that in the othercategories the entertainment level and theovertaking chances are much highercompared to F1?“In GP2, for example, the cars are all thesame. Therefore more equilibrium is to beexpected. In F1 the budgets and the cars arevery different from team to team andtherefore the hierarchy of value shows thedisparity. There are more regulations, whichare not concerned with entertainment.Especially for aerodynamics, in F1 when onecar is behind another, overtaking is difficultbecause of the so called “stream”. Even if ith<strong>as</strong> not been scientifically proven, if the loadw<strong>as</strong> lower, they would be less sensitive to thestreams.Which are your best memories of <strong>Dallara</strong> inF1?“I have good memories of the experience withSchuderia Italia. We achieved good results,also getting some podium finishes. Many ofthe little and medium level teams of thatteams vanished, while <strong>Dallara</strong> is still hereafter twenty years, <strong>as</strong> stronger and reliiable <strong>as</strong>ever”.<strong>Dallara</strong> and F1: a history that began in 1988,with f<strong>as</strong>cination and incredible emotions andit is a partnership that should never bewritten off.13

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