Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission


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<strong>Directions</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> on the Integration of NRM and Land Use <strong>Planning</strong>in facilitating a more regional approach to landuse planning as local planning strategies andschemes could be prepared over a wider landarea.An alternative to the amalgamation of localgovernments is the formation of RegionalOrganisation of Councils (ROC) or VoluntaryRegional Organisation of Councils (VROC).The South East Avon Regional Organisationof Councils (SEAVROC), which consists ofthe Shires of York, Cunderdin, Quairading,Beverley and Brookton, is one such example.SEAVROC has formed a sustainable land usemanagement group with representatives fromeach of the Shires and State NRM agencies, todiscuss opportunities to improve sustainableland use management across the region. Thesustainable land use management grouprecently initiated a project, funded throughEnviro<strong>Planning</strong>’s Local Government Partnershipprogram, to develop a local planning policyfor tree farming in low rainfall areas acrossthe five shires. The sustainable land usemanagement group has also initiated a projectto facilitate a more consistent approach to landuse planning decision making across the fiveshires. The project involves reviewing eachlocal government’s planning framework, anddeveloping a checklist, process and GIS tosupport sustainable land use planning decisionmaking across the five shires.When preparing local planning strategies,local governments could consider cooperationwith other councils within their region orcatchment to address common NRM issues.Water and biodiversity related issues are oftenbest addressed within a regional context,so cooperation between neighbouring localgovernments would provide an opportunity toimprove NRM outcomes.Recommended actions:• Explore opportunities for regionalcooperation across local governments toshare planning resources.• Seek funding from the State NRM Planand Commonwealth Government’sCaring for our Country program, andadminister funding to support localgovernment projects that addressthe integration of NRM into land useplanning.Funding support and State governmentassistanceIn recent years the Enviro<strong>Planning</strong> project hasprovided funding assistance through a localgovernment partnership program, of whichsome $300,000 has been invested to supportachievement of NRM outcomes through landuse planning. At regional forums delivered byEnviro<strong>Planning</strong>, local governments and otherstakeholders indicated a strong desire forcontinuation of grant funding to support land useplanning initiatives to better address NRM.The DPI in 2005/07 received funding from theWAPC for the employment of regional supportofficers to provide support to low capacity localgovernments in the preparation of local planningstrategies and schemes. Funding for the projectwas for one year only, however benefits to localgovernments included improved guidanceon the process of preparing a local planningstrategy, education forums and general supportto local governments. Whilst the structuralreview and realignment of DPI’s State andRegional Policy Division (resulting in threeplanning directorates for southern, central andnorthern regions), will potentially provide someopportunities to better support local governmentwith preparation of local planning strategiesand schemes, consideration should be givento how low capacity councils, particularlythose with extensive areas of peri urban areascan be further supported. It is suggested thatconsideration should be given to the formation17

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