Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission


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<strong>Directions</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> on the Integration of NRM and Land Use <strong>Planning</strong>ProceduresProcedures for the preparation and endorsementof structure plans are set within local planningschemes, and model scheme provisionsare provided through <strong>Planning</strong> BulletinNo. 37 available at www.wapc.wa.gov.au/Publications/189.aspx. The general process fordeveloping and endorsing structure plans isdescribed below;• Preparation– A structure plan may beprepared either by the local governmentauthority or by a proponent/landholder.In the preparation of a structure plan,consideration must be given to StatePolicy, the Local <strong>Planning</strong> Strategy andScheme and any relevant local planningpolicies. The process for preparing astructure plan requires consultation withservicing authorities and key agencies todetermine minimum requirements for thestructure plan area, and considerationof environmental, social, economic,infrastructure, transport and servicingfactors. Where a structure plan has beenprepared by a proponent, the structureplan is submitted to the local governmentfor assessment.• Adoption for advertising – Once astructure plan has been received, thelocal government must determine whetherthe structure plan is adequate or whethermodifications are required. When thestructure plan has been prepared to thesatisfaction of the local government, theCouncil may adopt the structure plan forthe purposes of advertising.• Advertising – The structure plan isrequired to be advertised for a minimumof 21 days. This includes notification ofall landowners affected by the proposalas well as relevant service agencies andgovernment authorities.• Endorsement by Council – On the closeof advertising Council is required toconsider all submissions made andmake recommendations for the finalendorsement of the structure plan, with orwithout modification.• Endorsement by WAPC – The plan is thenreferred to the WAPC for assessmentand endorsement. Further modificationsmay be recommended/undertaken atthis stage, in response to state policyrequirements, environmental or planningconsiderations.Once a structure plan has been endorsed,the statutory provisions of the structure planhave the effect of the Scheme and apply toany subsequent subdivision or developmentproposals.5.5.1 Level of Guidance ProvidedGuidance on the preparation and endorsementof local planning strategies is currently providedin a number of different guidance documents asdiscussed below:Liveable Neighbourhoods (October 2007)Liveable Neighbourhoods is an operationalpolicy adopted by the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australian</strong><strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>, used for the designand assessment of structure plans and thesubdivision of new urban areas. The documenthas 12 principal aims which essentially seekto create liveable walkable neighbourhoodsthat foster a strong sense of community andmaximises efficient use of urban land. One ofthe 12 aims is to ensure the avoidance of keyenvironmental areas and the incorporation ofsignificant cultural and environmental featuresof a site into the design of an area. LiveableNeighbourhoods can be accessed at thefollowing link:www.wapc.wa.gov.au/Publications/1594.aspx.Liveable Neighbourhoods establishes 8 keyelements required to be considered in thepreparation of a structure plan: Communitydesign, movement network, lot layout, publicparkland, urban water management, utilities,activities centres and employment andschools. Each element contains objectives andrequirements to be achieved within a structureplan design.58

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