Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission


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<strong>Directions</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> on the Integration of NRM and Land Use <strong>Planning</strong>and scheme amendments are required to bereferred to the EPA for environmental impactassessment. The process of environmentalimpact assessment can be found at; www.epa.wa.gov.au/template.asp?ID=2&area=EIA&Cat=EIA+Process+InformationRecommended actions:• Conduct an audit of the progress andstatus of local planning strategies, andidentify priorities for future developmentof strategies and schemes.• Facilitate workshops for each of the<strong>Planning</strong> Regions (involving StateNRM agencies, local governments andregional NRM groups) to identify priorityNRM issues and areas to be consideredin development of local planningstrategies and schemes.• Identify NRM data requirements tosupport development of local planningstrategies.• Coordinate DPI and State NRM agencysupport to local governments forintegrating NRM into local planningstrategies.ª Conduct an audit of endorsed localplanning schemes and strategies toidentify ‘best practice’ examples ofintegrating NRM into land use planning.5.4 Local <strong>Planning</strong> PoliciesLocal <strong>Planning</strong> Policies provide an opportunityto provide additional guidelines to assist localgovernments in making decisions under theScheme. The Model Scheme Text includesstandard scheme provisions relating to theability for a local government to prepare a Local<strong>Planning</strong> Policy in respect to any matter relatedto the planning and development of the Schemearea so as to apply –(a) generally or for a particular class orclasses of matters; andLocal <strong>Planning</strong> Policies should;• Be consistent with the local planningstrategy and state policy,• Relate to a valid planning process and bebased on planning principles• Provide guidance in exercising orinforming discretion under the scheme.• Be concise and clearly explain the policyobjectives and how it will influencedecision making under the scheme.Local <strong>Planning</strong> Policies do not form part of thelocal planning scheme, and as such Council’sare not bound by the policies, however musthave regard to the policy provisions and theobjectives which the policy was designed toachieve when making decisions. Consistencywith State and regional policy and consistencyin applying the policy is essential to ensuring therequirements of a policy are upheld in the caseof an appeal.Local <strong>Planning</strong> Policies are prepared, adoptedand implemented by the Local Government.Standard procedures for the making oramending of polices are contained within theModel Scheme Text and include;• Resolution to prepare a local planningpolicy – The local planning policy isprepared by the local government, and aresolution passed to adopt the policy forthe purposes of advertising.• Public Advertising – The policy isadvertised for public comment over aminimum period of 21 days.• Adoption of Policy – Following theadvertising period, any submissions madeare considered by Council. Council mayresolve to adopt the policy with or withoutmodification, or resolve not to proceedwith the policy.Local planning policies are not required to beendorsed by the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Planning</strong><strong>Commission</strong>.(b) throughout the Scheme area or in one ormore parts of the Scheme area.54

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