Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission


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<strong>Directions</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> on the Integration of NRM and Land Use <strong>Planning</strong>5.4.1 Relevance to NRMAs mentioned above, local planning policiesafford an opportunity to provide a greater levelof guidance on matters within the scheme toassist local governments in decision making.This extends to those NRM requirements that areidentified within the scheme.ExamplesScheme ProvisionNo dams or lakes shall be createdexcept with the approval of Council.Unless the local governmentwaives any particular requirement,every application for planningapproval is to be accompanied byany specialist studies that localgovernment may require theapplication to undertake in supportof the application such as traffic,heritage, environmental,engineering or urban designstudies.Local <strong>Planning</strong> PolicyDams PolicyProvide guidance on the application and assessmentrequirements for the construction of dams to ensure;- Environmental and landscape amenity ofwatercourses are maintained;- Construction does not lead to adverse environmentalimpacts;- Impacts of earthworks and the removal of riparianvegetation are minimised.Water Sensitive Urban Design PolicyProvide guidance on the application of Water SensitiveUrban Design principles, in accordance with the BetterUrban Water Management Framework, when undertakingstatutory and strategic planning.Provide guidance on agreed environmental quality criteriato be met through Water Sensitive Urban Design.Detail minimum information requirements to be submittedfor different scales of development.Benefits of a preparing a local planning policyfor an NRM related matter, include:• the ability to provide a greater level ofguidance on how NRM matters are to beconsidered in decision making, providinggreater guidance for decision makers andcertainty for proponents.• the ability to interpret state policy at thelocal level; and• greater flexibility in being able to amendrequirements in line with changing/contemporary practices due to thetime frames for preparing and adoptinga policy being significantly less thanthat associated with amending a localplanning scheme.Care needs to be given when preparing apolicy to establish the NRM matter as a validplanning consideration through links to the localplanning scheme and state policy. In addition,the policy requirements must be consistentwith the scheme and state policy, as if anyinconsistencies arise between the scheme andthe policy, the scheme provisions will prevail.In considering the use of a local planning policyto further achieve NRM outcomes, it is importantto consider the resources available to prepare,implement and enforce requirements. This55

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