Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission

Directions Paper - Western Australian Planning Commission


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<strong>Directions</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> on the Integration of NRM and Land Use <strong>Planning</strong>requirements for Water Sensitive Urban Design,however caution should be exercised in thisapproach to ensure the Model Scheme Textdoes not become too prescriptive to allowfor regional variations and changes in bestmanagement practices.The <strong>Planning</strong> Schemes Manual also providesguidance on the role and format of localplanning strategies. Section 2.2 of the ModelScheme Text Guidelines component of the<strong>Planning</strong> Schemes Manual provides anexplanation of the changes to regulations withrespect to the requirement to prepare a Local<strong>Planning</strong> Strategy. This includes the purposeof a local planning strategy as well as theprocedures for advertising and endorsementof local planning strategies as set out in theregulations. This section of the <strong>Planning</strong>Schemes Manual is simply a statement of whatthe regulations require.More specific guidance is provided within the‘Guidance on the Format of Local <strong>Planning</strong>Strategies’ component of the manual, whichwas developed and released in July 2000.The Guidance describes the elements tobe incorporated into a strategy, provides asuggested format for local planning strategiesdesigned to satisfy the guidelines for themodel scheme text, and includes references toinformation that may be of relevance to LocalGovernments preparing a strategy.Two different formats are provided, one forMetropolitan Local Governments and CountryUrban Centres, and one for Country RuralLocal Governments. The manual does notrequire Local Governments to follow theprovided format, however it suggests that localgovernments will need to adopt a local planningstrategy that most suits its area and local issues.Little process information is provided withinthe manual on how to prepare a local planningstrategy beyond the procedures for advertisingand endorsement as set out in the regulations.This process information is currently providedinformally by DPI officers responsible for theassessment of local planning strategies.In respect to addressing NRM matters withina local planning strategy, some guidance isprovided on the types of issues that should beconsidered within the ‘profile and key issues’section. These issues vary between the twosuggested formats to reflect the varying issuesbetween a predominantly urban environmentversus a predominantly rural environment. Inkeeping with the remainder of the document,the guidance provided is brief and does notprovide direction on how these matters shouldbe integrated into the overall direction and visionof the Local Government. Appendix 1 and 2provide source information for materials requiredin the preparation of a local planning strategy.Currently no information sources are listed forNRM related matters.A review of the guidelines to include processinformation on how environmental, socialand economic considerations are integratedto provide a sustainable framework for thefuture growth and development of the Shirewould greatly improve the usefulness of theguidelines. A review of the current level ofguidance provided to local government on therequirements of a local planning strategy andthe process of preparing a strategy is essentialto ensuring a more consistent product isdeveloped.Clear guidance on the role of natural resourcemanagement within planning along with adviceon how to integrate NRM into the developmentof a local planning strategy, would be a usefuladdition to the guidelines. A draft set ofguidelines for the integration of NRM into localplanning strategies has been prepared andincluded within Appendix 9.The <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>is currently in the process of reviewing the<strong>Planning</strong> Schemes Manual which will involveboth a review of the Model Scheme Text anda review of the guidance provided. This wouldbe an opportune time to improve the level ofguidance provided on the integration of NRMmatters into local planning strategies.42

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