Full-year - Chime Communications PLC

Full-year - Chime Communications PLC

Full-year - Chime Communications PLC


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Notes to the consolidated financial statements4. Business and geographical segments (continued)Advertisingand ResearchPublic Marketing andRelations Services Engagement Consolidated2008 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000Other segment informationCapital additions 774 1,206 41 2,021Depreciation and amortisation 828 1,112 96 2,036Balance sheetAssetsSegment assets 71,272 94,379 8,273 173,924Available for sale financial assets 113Investments in associates 858Unallocated corporate assets 2,814Consolidated total assets 177,709LiabilitiesSegment liabilities 43,416 26,026 2,202 71,644Unallocated corporate liabilities 17,574Consolidated total liabilities 89,218Segment information about these businesses is presented below:AdvertisingandEliminationPublic Marketing Research of results ofRelations Services and discontinued(restated) (restated) Engagement operations Elimination Consolidated2007 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000RevenueExternal sales 132,250 61,515 13,336 (512) – 206,589Inter-segment sales 6,228 15,949 1,708 (247) (23,638) –Total revenue 138,478 77,464 15,044 (759) (23,638) 206,589Inter-segment sales are charged at prevailing market prices that would also be available to unrelated third parties.Segment resultOperating income 54,502 34,704 7,711 (408) – 96,509Operating profit 9,252 5,557 1,395 86 – 16,290Unallocated corporate expenses (545)Operating profit 15,745Share of results of associates (73)Investment income 214Finance costs (938)Finance costs of deferred consideration (1,186)Profit before tax 13,762Tax (4,409)Profit for the <strong>year</strong> 9,35360<strong>Chime</strong> <strong>Communications</strong> plc

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