Oxygen dynamics and plant-sediment interactions in isoetid ...

Oxygen dynamics and plant-sediment interactions in isoetid ...

Oxygen dynamics and plant-sediment interactions in isoetid ...


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NewPaper 2Phytologist Research 321when <strong>sediment</strong>s become reduced (Colmer, 2003). Lobeliadoes not form root tissue barriers because it requires CO 2for photosynthesis from the <strong>sediment</strong> (Møller & S<strong>and</strong>-Jensen, 2008). As a result, roots of Lobelia <strong>and</strong> other <strong>isoetid</strong>species become shorter when grown <strong>in</strong> <strong>sediment</strong>s with highoxygen dem<strong>and</strong> (S<strong>and</strong>-Jensen et al., 2005a; Raun et al.,2010), but shorter roots also have smaller root surfacesfor absorption of m<strong>in</strong>eral nutrients. Solute transport <strong>and</strong>m<strong>in</strong>eral nutrition can be further compromised by O 2deprivation of roots <strong>and</strong> symbiotic root fungi because ofcessation of ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation<strong>and</strong> thus a severe energy deficit (Colmer & Flowers, 2008).Anaerobic carbohydrate catabolism provides some ATPdur<strong>in</strong>g anoxia, albeit only 3–35% of the rate of energyproduction <strong>in</strong> aerobic cells (Gibbs & Greenway, 2003;Greenway & Gibbs, 2003), but takes a higher toll on carbohydrates.Lobelia could be particularly sensitive to anoxiabecause of the observed low photosynthesis <strong>and</strong> carbohydrateproduction, high proportions by weight of nonphotosyntheticstem <strong>and</strong> root tissue <strong>and</strong> low capability of root tissueto speed up anaerobic fermentation <strong>and</strong> ATP production(S<strong>and</strong>-Jensen & Søndergaard, 1979; Nielsen & S<strong>and</strong>-Jensen,1989; Smits et al.,1990).O 2 availability is the ma<strong>in</strong> determ<strong>in</strong>ant of <strong>sediment</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>plant</strong> processes. We therefore made a special effort to measureO 2 cont<strong>in</strong>uously dur<strong>in</strong>g light <strong>and</strong> dark periods <strong>in</strong> lakewater, <strong>sediment</strong>s <strong>and</strong> leaf lacunae to establish if, where <strong>and</strong>for how long hypoxia or anoxia occurred <strong>in</strong> laboratory <strong>and</strong>field populations subjected to gradually <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g organicenrichment <strong>and</strong> O 2 consumption rates. Because Lobeliagrows slowly <strong>and</strong> <strong>sediment</strong> processes respond slowly, wefollowed the responses for up to 194 d after organic enrichmentto make sure that <strong>plant</strong> stress was fully expressed <strong>and</strong>recovery was possible.Materials <strong>and</strong> MethodsLaboratory experiments with organic enrichmentSix <strong>in</strong>tact <strong>sediment</strong> turfs were collected <strong>in</strong> mid-Octoberfrom shallow water <strong>in</strong> a homogeneous Lobelia dortmannapopulation <strong>in</strong> oligotrophic Lake Värsjö, south-west Sweden.The low-organic s<strong>and</strong>y turfs (0.60 ± 0.05% (mean ± SD)organic matter of <strong>sediment</strong> DW) were 17 cm long <strong>and</strong>15 cm wide <strong>and</strong> had a <strong>sediment</strong> depth of 12–14 cm thatensured <strong>in</strong>tact root systems of c. 20 <strong>plant</strong>s. Turfs werebrought fully submerged to the laboratory for experiments.One turf was left as a control, while gradually longer rodshapeddry pellets (5 mm <strong>in</strong> diameter, 1–15 mm long) ofcommercially available pasture grass (Dlg, Copenhagen,Denmark) were added to the other five turfs form<strong>in</strong>g a gradientof added labile organic matter equivalent to 0 (control),0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 <strong>and</strong> 1.6% organic matter of DW. Organicpellets conta<strong>in</strong>ed (as a percentage of DW) 91 ± 1% (n =4)organic matter, 46.9 ± 0.4% organic carbon (C), 2.3 ±0.15% total nitrogen (TN) <strong>and</strong> 0.27 ± 0.01% total phosphorus(TP). This composition is equivalent to weightproportions of 156 C, 8.5 N <strong>and</strong> 1.0 P, which is richer <strong>in</strong>nutrients relative to C <strong>and</strong> richer <strong>in</strong> P relative to N thanLobelia tissue (S<strong>and</strong>-Jensen et al., 2005a). Pellets were<strong>in</strong>serted with p<strong>in</strong>cers at 4 cm <strong>sediment</strong> depth with a fixedhorizontal distance of 2 cm equivalent to 71 pellets per turf.P<strong>in</strong>cers were stuck <strong>in</strong>to control <strong>sediment</strong>s to keep physicaldisturbance constant. Previous experiments have documentedthat aerobic O 2 consumption rates of surface<strong>sediment</strong>s <strong>in</strong>crease l<strong>in</strong>early with addition of this type oforganic matter, generat<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g O 2 stress on <strong>plant</strong>roots (Raun et al., 2010). The turf specimens were <strong>in</strong>cubatedat 14–16°C <strong>in</strong> 80 l aquaria with a 12 : 12 h light : darkcycle at an irradiance of 110 lmol photons m )2 s )1 (photosyntheticallyactive radiation, PAR) <strong>and</strong> exposed to the samewater to elim<strong>in</strong>ate possible effects of elevated carbon <strong>and</strong>nutrient availability <strong>in</strong> the water result<strong>in</strong>g from release fromenriched <strong>sediment</strong>s. The water was renewed every secondweek to keep nutrient concentrations low <strong>and</strong> avoid algalgrowth <strong>and</strong> it atmospheric air was bubbled slowly through itto ensure mix<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> air saturation. Because large watervolumes were needed we used filtered water from nearbyLake Esrum diluted 20 times with dem<strong>in</strong>eralized water toobta<strong>in</strong> a chemical composition closely resembl<strong>in</strong>g that ofLake Värsjö. After dilution mean values were: 0.13 mM<strong>in</strong>organic carbon (DIC), 0.3 lM <strong>plant</strong> available P (ortho-P), 0.4 lMNO ) 3 <strong>and</strong> 0.3 lMNH + 4 .Pore-water chemistry <strong>and</strong> <strong>sediment</strong> characteristicsRepeated pore-water samples from 1, 2, 4, 6 <strong>and</strong> 8 cm depthwere extracted from three representative sites distributedevenly across the turf area at the end of the 194-d-long experiment<strong>and</strong> analysed for dissolved Fe 2+ , DIC, pH, NH + 4 <strong>and</strong>ortho-P. Pore-water was sampled by <strong>in</strong>sert<strong>in</strong>g th<strong>in</strong> capillaryglass tubes (1 mm) <strong>in</strong> the <strong>sediment</strong>, keep<strong>in</strong>g the upper endabove the water. Capillary forces <strong>and</strong> pressure differenceslowly <strong>and</strong> steadily filled the capillary tube with water fromthe desired <strong>sediment</strong> depth with<strong>in</strong> a few m<strong>in</strong>utes. Quantitiesof 50–100 ll of pore-water were withdrawn with a glasssyr<strong>in</strong>ge from each of five capillary tubes at a certa<strong>in</strong> <strong>sediment</strong>site to yield an <strong>in</strong>tegrated sample for 0–8 cm depth withm<strong>in</strong>imum air contact <strong>and</strong> these were analysed immediately.Reduced Fe 2+ was measured spectrophotometrically accord<strong>in</strong>gto the phenanthrol<strong>in</strong> method (Eaton et al., 1995). DICwas determ<strong>in</strong>ed by <strong>in</strong>ject<strong>in</strong>g a m<strong>in</strong>ute pore-water volume<strong>in</strong>to 3% HNO 3 <strong>in</strong> a bubble chamber purged with N 2 gascarry<strong>in</strong>g evolved CO 2 <strong>in</strong>to an Infrared gas analyzer (IRGA,ADC-225-MK3, Hoddesdon, UK) as previously described(Vermaat & S<strong>and</strong>-Jensen, 1987). pH was measured by aflat-membrane pH electrode (LoT403-M8-S7 ⁄ 120, MettlerToledo, Greifensee, Switzerl<strong>and</strong>) positioned close to a glassÓ 2010 The AuthorsNew Phytologist Ó 2010 New Phytologist Trust42New Phytologist (2011) 190: 320–331www.newphytologist.com

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