Oxygen dynamics and plant-sediment interactions in isoetid ...

Oxygen dynamics and plant-sediment interactions in isoetid ...

Oxygen dynamics and plant-sediment interactions in isoetid ...


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Paper 4Organic enrichment of <strong>sediment</strong>s reduces arbuscular mycorrhizal fungicolonization of the aquatic macrophytes Lobelia dortmanna <strong>and</strong> Littorellauniflora.Claus L<strong>in</strong>dskov Møller 1 , Rasmus Kjøller 2 <strong>and</strong> Kaj S<strong>and</strong>-Jensen 11 Freshwater Biological Laboratory, Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen, Hels<strong>in</strong>gørsgade 51, DK-3400Hillerød, Denmark.2 Terrestrial Ecology, Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 2B.SummaryKey words: Isoetids, arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi, colonization, hyphaldensity, eutrophication, oxygen,anoxia, organic enrichment.● Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) commonly colonize <strong>isoetid</strong> species<strong>in</strong>habit<strong>in</strong>g the littoral zone <strong>in</strong> oligotrophic lakes but are absent <strong>in</strong> other aquatic<strong>plant</strong>s. We hypothesize that organic enrichment of oligotrophic <strong>sediment</strong>sreduces AMF colonization <strong>and</strong> hyphal growth because O 2 depletion, highernutrient availability <strong>and</strong> low carbon supply from stressed host <strong>plant</strong>s.● We added organic matter to <strong>sediment</strong>s <strong>in</strong>habited by <strong>isoetid</strong>s <strong>and</strong> measured O 2availability with m<strong>in</strong>i O 2 electrodes, pore-water content of <strong>in</strong>organic carbon,Fe 2+ <strong>and</strong> NH 4 + , colonization <strong>in</strong>tensity of roots <strong>and</strong> hyphal density after exposure.We also report hyphal densities relative to root density <strong>and</strong> colonization<strong>in</strong>tensity.● Addition of organic matter reduced AMF colonization of roots of Lobelia <strong>and</strong>Littorella <strong>and</strong> high additions clearly stressed the <strong>plant</strong>s. Even small additionsalmost stopped AMF colonization of <strong>in</strong>itially un-colonized Littorella. Hyphaldensities <strong>in</strong> <strong>sediment</strong>s were low <strong>in</strong> the upper 1 cm but otherwise high <strong>in</strong> the rootzone <strong>and</strong> positively related to root density. Hyphal surface area exceeded rootsurfaces 1.7-3.2 times.● We conclude that AMF efficiently colonize <strong>isoetid</strong>s <strong>in</strong> oligotrophic <strong>sediment</strong>s<strong>and</strong> mediate nutrients supply to <strong>plant</strong>s by their extensive hyphal net-works.However, even small organic additions to <strong>sediment</strong>s with no apparent <strong>plant</strong>stress reduce AMF colonization of roots.IntroductionMore than 80% of all <strong>plant</strong> species arecolonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF; Smith & Read 2008). Although AMF isvery common on l<strong>and</strong>, high AMF colonizationamong aquatic <strong>plant</strong>s is only found <strong>in</strong> smallrosette species (so-called <strong>isoetid</strong>s) <strong>in</strong>habit<strong>in</strong>goxygenated <strong>sediment</strong>s <strong>in</strong> oligotrophic freshwaterlakes (Søndergaard & Laegaard 1977, Beck-Nielsen & Madsen 2001, Nielsen et al. 2004). Ineutrophic lakes <strong>plant</strong>s are rarely colonized <strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong> streams only emergent species have beenfound to be mycorrhizal (Beck-Nielsen &Madsen 2001).71

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