Dishwasher Training/Repair Manual

Dishwasher Training/Repair Manual

Dishwasher Training/Repair Manual


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16Service Tips --/ / /-- Heater Troubleshooting FlowchartCan also measure heater current@ module red heater wire (~ 9.5A).If ~ 11A, heater isworking fine.STARTWith heater on(during testprogram), measuredishwasherincoming current(black wire).If ~ 1.5A, heatercircuit has failed.Measurevoltage @controlmodule.TIP: If controldisplayed “1”,reset it by runningthe dishwasher.NOTE: Flow throughheaters heat water ~2ºF / minute.TIP: Modules timing out &displaying “1” means there’s anunidentified heating problem.If ~120 VAC,check heatercircuit.If ~ 0 VAC, controlmodule (heater relay)has failed. Replacefaulty module.Measureresistance@ heaterterminals.If ~11Ω, check highlimit, flow switch &circulation pump.Measure high limit& flow switchresistance & checkcirculation pump.If ∞ , heater hasfailed (opened).Replace heater.If ~ 0, heater hasfailed (shorted).Replace heater.If high limit ~ 0.3Ω, flow switch ~ 0.4Ω &circulation pump is OK, check wireharnesses. Replace faulty harness.If high limit, flowswitch or circulationpump = ∞ , replacefaulty part.702_58300000133621_ara_en_aRev 0 (1/17/08)

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