[U] User's Guide

[U] User's Guide

[U] User's Guide


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[ U ] 18.11 Ado-files 2515. Include two blank lines, and place the Syntax title, syntax diagram, and options table:{title:Syntax}{p 8 17 2}syntax line{p 8 17 2}second syntax line, if necessary{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}{synopthdr}{synoptline}{syntab:tab}{synopt:{option}}brief description of option{p end}{synoptline}{p2colreset}{...}{p 4 6 2}clarifying text, if required6. Include two blank lines, and place the Description title and text:{title:Description}{pstd}description textBriefly describe what the command does. Do not burden the user with details yet. Assume thatthe user is at the point of asking whether this is what he or she is looking for.7. If your command allows options, include two blank lines, and place the Options title anddescriptions:{title:Options}{phang}{cmd:optionname} option description{pmore}continued option description, if necessary{phang}{cmd:optionname} second option descriptionOptions should be included in the order in which they appear in the option table. Optionparagraphs are reverse indented, with the option name on the far left, where it is easily spotted.If an option requires more than one paragraph, subsequent paragraphs are set using {pmore}.One blank line separates one option from another.8. Optionally include two blank lines, and place the Remarks title and text:{title:Remarks}{pstd}textInclude whatever long discussion you feel necessary. Stata’s official online help files often omitthis because the discussions appear in the manual. Stata’s official help files for features addedbetween releases (obtained from the Stata Journal, the Stata web site, etc.), however, includethis section because the appropriate Stata Journal may not be as accessible as the manuals.

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