[U] User's Guide

[U] User's Guide

[U] User's Guide


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[ U ] 26.21 Multivariate and cluster analysis 37126.20 Multiple imputationMultiple imputation (MI) is a statistical technique for estimation in the presence of missing data.If you fit the parameters of y on x 1 , x 2 , and x 3 using any of the other Stata estimation commands,parameters are fit on the data for which y, x 1 , x 2 , and x 3 contain no missing values. This processis known as listwise or casewise deletion because observations for which any of y, x 1 , x 2 , or x 3contain missing values are ignored or, said differently, deleted from consideration. MI is a technique torecover the information in those ignored observations when the missing values are missing at random(MAR) or missing completely at random (MCAR). Data are MAR if the probability that a value ismissing may depend on observed data but not on unobserved data. Data are MCAR if the probabilityof missingness is not even a function of the observed data.MI is named for the imputations it produces to replace the missing values in the data. MI does notjust form replacement values for the missing data, it produces multiple replacements. The purpose isnot to create replacement values as close as possible to the true ones, but to handle missing data ina way resulting in valid statistical inference.There are three steps in an MI analysis. First, one forms M imputations for each missing valuein the data. Second, one fits the model of interest separately on each of the M resulting datasets.Finally, one combines those M estimation results into the desired single result.The mi command does this for you. It can be used with most of Stata’s estimation commands,including the survival and survey data commands. See [MI] intro.26.21 Multivariate and cluster analysisMost of Stata’s multivariate capabilities are to be found in the Multivariate Statistics Reference Manual,although there are some exceptions.1. mvreg fits multivariate regressions.2. manova fits MANOVA and MANCOVA models, one-way and up—including two-way factorial, threewayfactorial, etc.—and it fits nested and mixed-design models. Also see [U] 26.3 ANOVA,ANCOVA, MANOVA, and MANCOVA above.3. canon estimates canonical correlations and their corresponding loadings. Canonical correlationattempts to describe the relationship between two sets of variables.4. pca extracts principal components and reports eigenvalues and loadings. Some people considerprincipal components a descriptive tool—in which case standard errors as well as coefficients arerelevant—and others look at it as a dimension-reduction technique.5. factor fits factor models and provides principal factors, principal-component factors, iteratedprincipal-component factors, and maximum-likelihood solutions. Factor analysis is concerned withfinding few common factors ẑ k , k = 1, . . . , q that linearly reconstruct the original variables y i ,i = 1, . . . , L.6. tetrachoric, in conjunction with pca or factor, allows you to perform PCA or factor analysison binary data.7. rotate provides a wide variety of orthogonal and oblique rotations after factor and pca.Rotations are often used to produce more interpretable results.8. procrustes performs Procrustes analysis, one of the standard methods of multidimensional scaling.It can perform orthogonal or oblique rotations, as well as translation and dilation.

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