[U] User's Guide

[U] User's Guide

[U] User's Guide


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270 [ U ] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands. estat vceCovariance matrix of coefficients of regress modele(V) weight displace ~ t _consweight 1.360e-06displacement -.0000103 .00009741_cons -.00207455 .01188356 4.0808455Typing estat vce with the corr option presents this matrix as a correlation matrix:. estat vce, corrCorrelation matrix of coefficients of regress modele(V) weight displa ~ t _consweight 1.0000displacement -0.8949 1.0000_cons -0.8806 0.5960 1.0000See [R] estat.Also, Stata’s matrix commands understand that e(V) refers to the matrix:. matrix list e(V)symmetric e(V)[3,3]weight displacement _consweight 1.360e-06displacement -.0000103 .00009741_cons -.00207455 .01188356 4.0808455. mat Vinv = invsym(e(V)). mat list Vinvsymmetric Vinv[3,3]weight displacement _consweight 60175851displacement 4081161.2 292709.46_cons 18706.732 1222.3339 6.1953911See [U] 14.5 Accessing matrices created by Stata commands.20.9 Obtaining predicted valuesOur discussion below, although cast in terms of predicted values, applies equally to the other statisticsgenerated by predict; see [R] predict.When Stata fits a model, whether it is regression or anything else, it internally saves the results,including the estimated coefficients and the variable names. The predict command allows you touse that information.

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