[U] User's Guide

[U] User's Guide

[U] User's Guide


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394 Subject and author indexPiantadosi, S., [U] 20.20 ReferencesPischke, J.-S., [U] 20.20 Referencesplatforms for which Stata is available,[U] 5.1 PlatformsPLUS directory, [U] 17.5 Where does Stata look forado-files?power, raise to, function, see arithmetic operatorsprecision, [U] 13.11 Precision and problems thereinpredict command, [U] 20.9 Obtaining predictedvaluespredictive margins, [U] 20.14 Obtaining marginalmeans, adjusted predictions, and predictivemarginsprefix command, [U] 11.1.10 Prefix commandsprinting, logs (output), [U] 15 Saving and printingoutput—log filesprobability weights, [U] 11.1.6 weight,[U] 20.18.3 Sampling weights, also see surveydata[pweight=exp] modifier, [U] 11.1.6 weight,[U] 20.18.3 Sampling weightsQQuattro Pro, reading data from, [U] 21.4 Transferprogramsquitting Stata, see exit commandquotesto delimit strings, [U] 18.3.5 Double quotesto expand macros, [U] 18.3.1 Local macrosRr() saved results, [U] 18.8 Accessing resultscalculated by other programs,[U] 18.10.1 Saving results in r()r-class command, [U] 18.8 Accessing results calculatedby other programsraise to a power function, [U] 13.2.1 Arithmeticoperatorsrandom sample, [U] 21.3 If you run out of memoryraw data, [U] 12 Data.raw filename suffix, [U] 11.6 File-naming conventionsrc built-in variable, [U] 13.4 System variables( variables)rc (return codes), see error messages and return codesreading data from disk, [U] 21 Inputting data,[U] 21.4 Transfer programsrecode() function, [U] 25.1.2 Converting continuousvariables to categorical variablesrecord I/O versus stream I/O, [U] 21 Inputting datarecording sessions, [U] 15 Saving and printingoutput—log filesregression (in generic sense), also see estimationcommandsaccessing coefficients and standard errors,[U] 13.5 Accessing coefficients and standarderrorsrelational operator, [U] 13.2.3 Relational operatorsrepeating and editing commands, [U] 10 Keyboard usereplace option, [U] 11.2 Abbreviation rulesreserved names, [U] 11.3 Naming conventionsreturn codes, see error messages and return codes#review command, [U] 10 Keyboard use,[U] 15 Saving and printing output—log filesrmsg, [U] 8 Error messages and return codesRogers, W. H., [U] 20.20 Referencesroundoff error, [U] 13.11 Precision and problemsthereinRoyall, R. M., [U] 20.20 ReferencesRubinstein, L. V., [U] 1.4 Referencesrun command, [U] 16 Do-filesRyan, P., [U] 11.7 ReferencesSs() saved results, [U] 18.8 Accessing resultscalculated by other programs,[U] 18.10.3 Saving results in s()s-class command, [U] 18.8 Accessing results calculatedby other programssample, random, see random samplesampling weights, [U] 11.1.6 weight,[U] 20.18.3 Sampling weightsSantner, T. J., [U] 1.4 ReferencesSAS, reading data from, [U] 21.4 Transfer programssaved results, [U] 18.8 Accessing results calculatedby other programs, [U] 18.9 Accessingresults calculated by estimation commands,[U] 18.10 Saving resultsSchoenfeld, D. A., [U] 1.4 Referencesscientific notation, [U] 12.2 Numbersscores, obtaining, [U] 20.17 Obtaining scoresse[], [U] 13.5 Accessing coefficients and standarderrorssearch command, [U] 4 Stata’s help and searchfacilitiesseasonal lag operator, [U] 11.4.4 Time-series varlistsSeneta, E., [U] 1.4 Referencessession, recording, [U] 15 Saving and printingoutput—log filessignificance levels, [U] 20.7 Specifying the width ofconfidence intervalssingle-precision floating point number,[U] 12.2.2 Numeric storage typesSITE directory, [U] 17.5 Where does Stata look forado-files?Small Stata, [U] 5 Flavors of Stata.smcl filename suffix, [U] 11.6 File-namingconventionssort order for strings, [U] 13.2.3 Relational operatorsS-Plus, reading data from, [U] 21.4 Transfer programsspreadsheets, transferringfrom Stata, [U] 21.4 Transfer programsinto Stata, [U] 21 Inputting data, [U] 21.4 TransferprogramsSPSS, reading data from, [U] 21.4 Transfer programs

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