Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes


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::[. I.] Tideus resolves to claim <strong>Thebes</strong> for Polyneices.]irhe wer liardye to entren iu-to ionn.which he bad \\jm / prudently tak hede,il concludyng^ / how it^ w^as mor spede 183Gliaf some other be / to <strong>Thebes</strong> sent,')apprt^'ceyve fully the entent*\ Of Ethiocle / outwarJ / be some signe,jid wher that* he / his crou7/e"*^ wil resigne'1840If he goes to<strong>Thebes</strong>he must sendsome one elsethere.1)1 thilke"*^ 3eer /, lik as he made his ooth :hd whan he knewe / how his pz^rpoos goj)lier-vpon to werken / and procede.'Thus Adrastus / wisely gan hym rede.'And whil they trete / vpon this matere,Weus wdth a manly chereiiide* vttrely / for his broder sake,lis massage / he wold' vndertakeith hool thempris / <strong>of</strong> thenbassyat,er it*wnlful / or infortunat^e wil not spare / whaf so that* betide.But Adrastus / on the tolpei' syde,nd Polymyte / in conclusiou?^,Teren contrarye / to that opynyou?i,1844lleafSl]Tideus at onceundertakes togo.^[ Tydeus tookvpon hy//i to donl^e massage <strong>of</strong>1848 Polymyte.1852A^drastus and"*Polyneicesnd seide sothly / as hem thoghte right*,ith that* he w^as / so wel / a preued kuyght* 1856.nd discended <strong>of</strong> so worthy blood,1834. entren Ar. G. E^. Ro. Ap. entre Bo. and the rest, into] in G. om. Ra. Ba.)un Ar. Ro. the toun Bo. cmd the rest. 183H. Ful] Fully L^. P. E.,. was] were M.,i. C. T.I. P. Eo. mor]mosteLb. was mor] more were Di. spede] nedeC. 1839.nd 1840 transposed in I. 1840 omitted in S. wher] whether Lb. M. Di. P. ifa. Ba. Eo. his] the P. crowne Bo. M. Ad^. crou?i Ar. wil(wol)] wolde L^. M.I'i. L.,. Ro'Cwalde). 1841. thilke Ad^. Ra. ])ilke Bn. thilk Ar. M. C. T^. L2.(3 ilke Lj. ylke S. 1843. worken Bo. M. 1845. trete Ar. Bo. T,. Lb. M.dj. Ra. vpon] <strong>of</strong> Adj. Ado. I. 1846. manly] manful Di. ful manly Lj.V 1847. Saide] Sade A"'r. 1849. whith Ar. thempris] emprise 'M. Di.e'enbassyat Bo. thenbassyat M. Ad^. 1850. wer it] whetlier it were M. Di.tv'hether hit be Lb. wilful Ar. G. Bo. Tj. Du. L^. Lb. M. Di. Ra. Ba. Ej. P. Ro.j.p. welful Adj. Ado. I. S. C. To. Eo. Lo. or] other C. infortunatj fortunat Di.|851. what so that] what so Bo. Du.'Lb" M. C. To. P. Lo. whatsoeuer E.^. wliatD hym Lj. 1852. ])at other Bo. M. Adj. 1853. Polymyue Ar. 1856.!ithi vSyn Ra. that] om. Ro. so wel a preued Ar. G. T\. L^. Lb. C. T.^. L._,. Ro.'i.p. so wel a proued Du. M. Di. Adj. Ra. Ba. Ej. so wel approved a Ad,. I.p well a priued Eg. so well a p7Tferred P. so well a prowd S. a gentil Bo (so.'el am.).

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