Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes


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;1137.;PT. II.] Polyneices rides from Thches. 49Fill knet^ vp / be gret* avisement^, a"d Polyneices^ I c> swear to this.lo-for the goddys / be oth <strong>of</strong> sacrament^,Neuer after to groche''*' ne to varye,But^ a-coniplisslie?i Shortly / and not tarye,lich as thaccord / enrolled in the tonne,From poynt* to poynt* / made menciou?^Biit^ alderfirst^ / be resoii <strong>of</strong> his age,Ethyocles / hadde thauaii??tagero regne aforn / and to were a croune,Polymyte / hym hastyng out^ <strong>of</strong> tonneDuryng^ that ^eer /, it* may noii other be,Whil his brother /saf in his Royal SeeFul richely vpon fortunes wheel114011441148[leaf 10, back]But Eteocles isto reign Hr»t.A.nd rode hym forth / armed bri^t in stele,rhis Polymyte / sothly as I rede,iHym-silf allone / on a Eyal Stede,With-oute guyde / al the longe day,jBeyng* aferd / to kepe the heghe"^ way,i[n his herte / hanyng* suspeciou?zCo his brother / <strong>of</strong> malice and tresoii??,;est* he pz^rsued / thorgh fals vnkynde"^ blood[Co haue hym ded / for couetise <strong>of</strong> good,phat he alloil / myght^ haue* possessions^115211.56So Polyneicesrides out <strong>of</strong><strong>Thebes</strong>,suspectingEteocles,be] with G. gret] full Ado. I. 1139, groch Ar. gruch Lb. grucche3o. M. gruchche Ad;^. grutche E^. a 2Micse-bar in Ar. before ne. 1140.; complisslien Bo. Ra. tacomplisshen M. Ad^. to complisshen Di. in Lb.\ written, complisshen omitted, vritli blank sjMce left for it. Shortly] om. Ad^. Ad.^.1. 1141. as] ooji. P. Ro. as thaccord] to accorde Ado. I. enrolled] envolvid'-ida. 1142. From Ar. Dii. Ad^. Ra. Fro Bo. Lb. U." made] maked M. Di.(S made ys P. Ro. S (as added above the line). 1144. hadde thauanntage Ar.iadde the auauntage Di. Tg. Ro. had thauavmtage Bo. M. had the auauutage C.*'.had >e vanntage L^. Lo. had tho the Avauntage Ba {in Ra. the later hand ha.sp'awled SMne indistinct letters over tlio). had tho thauanntage Ad^. S. had ther;) avauntage Adg. 1. 1145. to were] to here Lb. Ba. to] om. Eg. a crowne] j-ejrowne L^. Lb. M. Di. I. S. C. T2. P. Eo. Ro. 1146. hym hastyng] haastyng^im Bo. Du. Lp Lb. E^. him] om. S. 1148. second his] om. G. 1149. richely1. Adj. richly Bo. 1150. armed bri^t] bright armyd Ad^. Ado. I. iu] as1151. This] ThusRa. So M. Di. 1152. allone Du. Adi." alloon Bo.lal M. roial Bo. Ad^. 1153. long Bo. M. Adj. 1154. hegh Ar. hye Bo.L Adj. hihe Ra. 1157. pursued] pursue 0. Eo. be pursued L^. j)orgh]<strong>of</strong>C.ils] his fals Bo. Du. L^. Ej. his II. Di. Ad^ Ado. I. Ra. Ba. S. fals and E.,.akynde Bo. M. Ra. vnkynd Ar. Adi. {in Ra., bij the later hand, vnkyude is crossedht and \r\n?i.im:z\\ written above the line). 1159. haue Bo. M. Adj. ha Ar.THEBES.E

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