Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes


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;'.1140Lycurguss dead Son is huricd. [pt.[leafiTlie Greeks weeptoo.Soorii* Grype / and ageyn vpsterteThat^ wliaii Ailrastus /gan this tliyng^ adiierte,Of kyngly roiitli / and compassionsFrom his eyen / the teeriis hllc douiiEk kyngge^^ / Dukiis, that^ abontii* stood,Only <strong>of</strong> pite / which is in gentyl blood,No power hadde / the water to restreynThat^ on her chekcs / doune bygan to reyn.But* al a day / wolde* n<strong>of</strong> suffiseAUe her sorowes / in ordre to devise,First* <strong>of</strong> the kyng^ / and <strong>of</strong> the quene also :I sliould neverhave clone, if Itried to describetlieir sorrow.To tellen aH / I shiildc* neuer ha do,Not in the space / almost* <strong>of</strong> an hour.But whan the stormiis / and |)e sharpii* shourOf her wepyng^ /was somwhaf out^rgon.Tlie boy isburied.Adrastus remindsLycurgusand liis wifeThe lytil cors / was grauen vnder st<strong>of</strong>i.H And Adrastus /in \q same tidelygurgus took / a litil out aside,And ful wisely / with his prudent* spech.The qwent' * present* /gan liy??i forto tech 34|That* so to sorowe / avaylle may right* noght^.To mordre hym-silf / with his owne thouht*,I3393. Soore Lb. Sore Bo. M. Adj. Soor Ar. to gripe Bo. and all, except GrAr. G. Lo. Ro. Ap. 3394. Tliat] Thau Tj. Ad... I. E,_,. Ro. thyug] om. Ba."gan this thyug] this thyng gau Lb. C. T.,. P. E.^ (cau). aduerte] advart(: vpstart). 3395. kyngly] kyndly Di. "'kn3'ghtly L.,. routhe Bo. M. [. A\ %ruthe L.V 3396. the]^ there Ej. doun] a-douu Du." Lb. Di. L C. T.,.3397. kyngges] princes M. Di. Dukes] and dukes Adj. Ad.,. L Ra. Ba.Bo. M. Adj. about Ar. 3398. <strong>of</strong>] for Ra. om. S. which Ar. G. L.>. Ro. 'f !})at Bo. cmd the rest. iu] <strong>of</strong> Ra. Ba. o)n. Ap. 3399. water] teeres Lb. AAd.v 1. Ra. Ba. S. C. To. P. E.,. L.^. Ro. restreyn] coustreyne L.^. 3400. 1:om. Do. bygan] gan Adj. Ad.^. L E^. S. Ra. lia"^(cvn). to] om. Ra. Ba. 341aday Ar. the day Ra. Ba. "wolde Bo. wold Ar. M. Adj. wyll h,. M\second <strong>of</strong>] om. Lb. ]\L Di. Ad.,. L Ra. S. C. T.,. P. E.,. Ap. kyng . tiuene] querkyngcv Ro. 3404. tcllen] teUc Lb. P. S. Ro"(tek^). "shulde Bo. sliuhl Ar. shM. Adj. ha Ar. Ad.^. L Ra. haue a Di. haue Bo. and the rest. 3406. sharpesharp Ar. ]\L Adj. "teary E2. om. Ra. Ba. 3407 to 3590 lost in Ro. 34in Ar. before oucrgon is written fo, undcixlotted. 3408. grauen] am. Ad.2.vnderston Ar. ston] a ston Adj. Ad.,. L3410. a litil] a lite Ho. Du. .M. Di. om. Lj.;409 to the end <strong>of</strong> the i^oem lost in Ia litil out] oute a litil C. 3412. qv3413. so] om. AAr. ]>o. M. Ad,, gan] thus gan C. forto] to C. o)n. S.Ad.,. L 3414 m Ad], is omitted at its right place and stands at the bottom <strong>of</strong>coi<strong>of</strong> leaf 25, fi'ont ; in the original <strong>of</strong> Ad.,, ami I. it has been replaced by a new Icomposed to rhyme vnlh 3413, viz. But best remedie / to put it out <strong>of</strong> then3414. hym-silfj theni-.self S. with] in Ra. S.if

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