Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes


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170 The Greeks resolve to fight till Thchcs is laid loiv. [pt. mias conquerors,[leaf 60, back]tliey now wiUnot leave <strong>Thebes</strong>till it's laid low,so that folkmay .say "whattht'y began, theyachievd."To this, all theGreeks agree.Of whoes renou?? / the bcmiJs 3it ben clereTliorgli al the world' / wher as they haii passyd,And ben not^ 3it^ / dyrkyd nor diffacyd, 41 3(By no report^ / nouther on se ne londethyng^ to forsake / that* they tok on honde." And by example / <strong>of</strong> our progenitours,l)aV whilom wern / so manly conqiieroiirs, 414(To-forn that^ we into Grecii wende,Of thyng* bygon / lat^ vs make an ende,And parte nat* / nor Seuere from this tomiTil it* be brouht^ to destrucciou??, 414rwallys / tourriis / Crestyd and batailledAnd for werrci strongly apparaylled,Be first* doune betii / that* no thyng* be seyn,But* al to-gyder / with the erthii* pleyn 414^Be lowo* leyde / or that* we resorte :That* afterward / men may <strong>of</strong> vs reporte,That* we bygan / we knyghtly han achieuydVpon our foon /, wath worship vnrepreuyd." 415'|This was the counsaylle / shortly, and thavisOf the Grekys that* manly wern and wys,That* neuere aforn wer markyd with no blame,And specialy / swich as dredli* Shame, 415(And fully caste / what* fortune euer tyde,On her pz^rpoos / to the ende abyde,That* on no part* / her honure not apalle.413G. 3it] 07n. Lb. Ra. Ba. P. derkcd Bo. M. derket Adj. dirket Dudiffased Ijo. defaced M. Adj. to faced Lh. 4137. nouther] om. M. Di. on sein see Lb. P. by see Ba. ne] ne on Bo. 1\. Du. M. Di. E^. nor Lj. Ad^L Ra. S. C. 4139. example M. ensaniple l?o. Adj 4142. begon Mbegonne Bo. bygonne Adj. 4143. parte nat] nat departe Ad^. I. 4144to] vnto Bo. Tj. Du. U. Di. Adj. I. Ra. 15a. S. into L,. 4145. Crestyd] crest

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