Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes


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;;166 Amphiorax is sent to Hell for his false Idolatry, [ri. iiiJThe Devil paidhim his wages,pat^ neuer after Grekis with hym mette.And tlius the devel / for his old outrages,lich his decert*, pail-d hym his wages. 404(For he ful lowe / is discendid dou/iInto the dirk and blakii* Eegyou?^wher that^ Pluto* / is crownyd and ystallydwith his quene /proserpina I-callyd. 404^with whom this bisshop / ha)) made liis* mansiou??Perpetuelly / as for his guerdomi.for his idolatrj',[leaf 68]necromancy andastronomy.U lo here the mede / <strong>of</strong> ydolatrie,Of Rytys old / and <strong>of</strong>* fals mawmetrye.lo f whaf auayllen Incantaciou?zsOf exorsismes / and coniurisou??swhat* stood hym stede his Nigromaneye,Calculaciou?? / or astronomyewhat* vaylled hym / the heuenly manciou;?s,404^405f|Diuerse aspectis / or constellaciou??s ?The ende / is nat* / hot* sorowe and meschau«ce,Of hem fat setten / her outre afhau/ice 405 (|In swichu* werkes supe?-sticious,Or trist* on hem /:he is vngracious.Amphiorax'ssnking intoHellEecord' I take, shortly forto telle,Of this bysshop / sonken dou?i to helle, 406*whos wo<strong>of</strong>ul ende / about* in eue?*y cost*Swich a Rumowr / hath maked in the host*4038. Grekis] l)e Giekes Du. 4040. paicd Ar. Bo. hb. paid Adj. quyt MDi. 4042. dirk Ar. derke Bo. M. Ad^. blake Bo. blak Ar. ]\I. Ad,4043. wher] whor Ar. wher that] Where as Tj. Di. Bluto Tj. ]\I. Di. Ad^. Ad!P. Plyto Ar. Lb. Ka. Ba. Ej. S. E.,. Plitn G. Lj. Blato Bo. Du. U. ystallyrstalled '\\. Lj. M. Di. Ka. Ba. S. "4045. Ins] is Ar. Ad^. 4048. and <strong>of</strong>] and AiLb. r. E.,. Lo. <strong>of</strong> Ado. mawmetrye] mawmatrie lio. mawmentrie Ra. Ba. 405Cand] and <strong>of</strong> l>o. '\\. !>,. ]\L Di. S. coniurisonns] coninracions S. congnrasons L.4051. stood hym stede Ar. G. Bo. Tj. U. Di. Ka. E,. S. Lo. stode in stede Lb. AdAdg. P. Eo. stode hym hi stede Du. L,. Ba. Nigromancye] nygramancye Jio. BeEj. nigrimaiLsics Lb. 4053. vailed Bo. M, availed Adj. 4054. or] or thRa. Ba. and Tj. <strong>of</strong> Di. 4055. not Bo. nat Du. noght Adj. 405touttre G. vttre Bo. vtter AL Adj. affiaunce] assurance S. 4057. suche B(M. swich Ar. sucli Adj. wliich G. 4058. trist Ar. Bo. ]\L trust Da. Adtreste Lb. on] <strong>of</strong> L.,. 40G1. about] don J^b. doun C. done V {altered idown by later Inmd, but done perffcfh/ legible under it). 4002, hath makecmaked hath ]\I. Di. hath maad Tj. Lb. Ba. Ej. S. C. Y..^.

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