Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes


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138Lycurgua sayshe'll give emanything buthis life,his son and hiswlfo.Tlicn a manconies in,[loaf 5«, back]and says theKing's sonhas iKJcn stungto dccath by aserpent.;"LycurguH is told <strong>of</strong> his Boy's Death.[PT. IllQuod lygurgiis /" what-euer thyng^ it^ be,Noulit* exceptid / but* only ))ingges tlire :335U The first* is tliis / it^ touchii* nat* my lif,My 3oiige sonii, pleyuly, nor my wyfTake al my good / or wliat* ^a list* provydeOf my tresour / and sette ))ies thre a-syde,Al the surplus / I count* nat* at* a myte."Than Adrastus / astounyd was a lytewhan lygurgus / in conclusiouTi,Of his sone / made excepciou7^.336And wliilis they / entreten fius yfere,Thor cam forth on / with a wo<strong>of</strong>ul chere,Of face and look / pal and no-thing* rede,A-lowdii crieth /" the kyngcs * sone is dedc, 336Alias the whyl !/ that* whilom was so fayr,After lygurgus / born forto ben hayrThe which, alias !/ hath golden vp the breth,Of a Serpent* / stonge to the deth 336And with his wounde* / newo*, fressh ami grcnc.In therbcr lith / that pit6 is to sene.And hath so leyne / almost* al this day ;MiwRo, what Ving euer Bo. and the rest, cxcej.3351. what-euer thyng Ar. Ap. Lowhat thynge ])at euer P. what J'at euer thyng G. 3352 except id] except G. Ada. L.^. 3353. is this it] is |)at L.^. touche M. Ap, touch Ar. Ra, touchilBo. Du. Adj. Ej. L2. Ro. 3354. yoiige Ad^. yong Bo. M. om. C. nor] ne BiTj. Lj. Lb. M. Di. Adj. Ej. S. P. nother C. and Du. L,. Ro. 3355. ye Bo. Myou Adj. 3357. surplus] surpluys T.,. surplice Lb. remnont P. count] comptEo. covytc Lo. at] ovi. Di. L C. To." P. E.^. L.,. Ro. Ap. 3358. astonyed Mastoneied Adj. astoncd To. stunyed Bo. Lb. Ra. 15a. was] not Lo. Ro. 336"whilis Tj. whiles Adj. while M. whils Bo. whil Ra. 07)i. Du. entretenAr. G. Ro (entretc). Ap (entrete). ]nis entreten Bo. Du. Lj. Adj. Ad.^. L Ra.S. entretid thus L.i thus entretiden Tj. treton thus M Di. trete thus Lb.P. Eo. in feer Bo. 3362. Ther] om. Ro. cam Bo come M. Adj. a] om. Lb. Fwo<strong>of</strong>ul] ful w<strong>of</strong>ul Adj. Ado. I. rewful Ba. sorful C.<strong>of</strong> loke Bo. Tj. Du. M. Di^ Adj. Ado. L Ra. Ba. Ej. S. 3364. A-lowde] and a-louiBo. And lowde G. Lb. Di. Adj. Ad.,. L C. P. E.,. Lo. Ro. Ap. crieth] cried Ra,"C. T2. Icynges M. Adj. kyuges Bo. kyng Al". 3366. forto ben Ar. G. Tj. DuLj. Ra. Ej. S. Ap. to haue ben Bo. forto have be Ba. to ben M. Di. Adj. AdjL C. To. P. E.. L.,. Ro. to Lb. hayr] his heir Adj. Ad.> L S. E... 3368. stongAp. stonf^ T.,. E.,. L.,. slonf^yng L stongeu Bo. G. and the rest, to] vnto Bo. TjDu. Lb. M. I)i. Ad, ."Ad.. L Ra. Ej. S. To. E.^. the] om. Di. 3369. wounde BAdj. wound Ar. M. woundi.s Ra. Ba,newe fres.sh] fresh new Ra. 15a. L.>. Ro.Du. Lj. M. Di. Adj. Ad,. L Ra. Ba. Ej. S.3371. leyen Bo. layu M. Adi. lien Ba.newe Tj. P]j. new Ar. M. Adj. now Bi3370. lith] om. T._,. that] ovi. Bo. %pite] pitous Ra. is] it is S. to] ovi. Dt

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