Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

Lydgate's Siege of Thebes


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;;;'II92Tideus kills all hut One <strong>of</strong> his Fifty Thcban loursuers.PT.iaud then allthe 50 butone.Tills one knightTideus kept,to tell Eteocles[leaf 37, back]how his fellowshad sped.And the reiuiiau//t amasiid drogli a-bakFor on / by on / they wente to meschau??ce.And fynaly / he broglite to outrau7iceHem eue^-ych<strong>of</strong>i / Tydeus, as blyve,Tliat^ non but^ on / was"^ left* <strong>of</strong> liem"^ alyuehym-silf yhurt* / and ywounded kene,Tliurgh his harneys / bledyng on the grene.The theban knyghtes / in compas rou??de aboiiteIn tlie vale / lay* slayenj"^ all the route,which pitously / ageyn the mone gapeFor non <strong>of</strong> hem, shortly, myght* eskape,But* dede echon / as thei han deserued,Saue on excepte / the which was reseruedBy Tydeus / <strong>of</strong> intenciou?i,To the kyng /to make relaciou?ihow his knyghtes / han on her io2/7*ne sped,Euench <strong>of</strong> hem / his lyf left* for a wed,221\222'i22'222'223:1l Hou trouthwith lityl multiAnd af the metyng* / how they han hem born :To tellen al / he sured was and swornTo Tydeus / ful lowly on his kne.By which ensample / ^e opynly may seAgeynes"**" trouthe"^ / falshed hath no myght*.Fy on querilis / nat* grounded vpon ri3t*.2216. diowe Bo. drewe Du. drowen Adj. Ado. I. 2217. In Ar. there i\a bar also before the second on, put there to distinguish the numeral on from th\preposition. 2217. wente Adj. went Bo. Adg. I. wenteu M. Di. In Adj!2220 precedes 2219, but the copyist ?cas observed his mistake, and corrected i"by writirtg a before the latter and b before the former line ; in Ad.2. 1. the lines ar^right. 2220. wa.s not foicnd in any 3fS. {see Notes), hem] ham Ar." 2221. yhurt;hurt M. Di. C. ywounded] wounded C. 2224. vale] valey Lj. Lb. E.,. lay] oWAr. G. Adi. Ad.,. I. (Ra.) Ba. E^. S. C. T.,. P. E.,. L.,. Ap. slayn(c) all the il/,?.S,all the] all the hole Ba. T.,. E.,. 2227. "lian] had Ba. S. it han Bo. Tj. Du. Lb]Ej. it hadde Adj. Ad.,. L had it M. Di. 2228. the] am. M. Di. which Ad,|whiche Bo. M. 2229. <strong>of</strong>] <strong>of</strong> this Adj. Ad.,. L E^. S. C. E.,. <strong>of</strong> his Ba. for thilTg. (<strong>of</strong> good Ra.) 2230. To] Vnto Ad^ Ad.. L (Ra.) Ba. S. T. 2231. spedd,witli de underdotted Ar. 2232. Euevicli] Eche M. Di. C. T.^. his lyf left] left!his lyf Lo. (ther lif hathe left Ra.) for a] for Ap. to Ba. (Ra.) L.,. 2231. tcllcuitelle Lj. C. P. Lo. tell hym S. he] howc he P. sured] assured M. Di. Ba. C. T.iP. E2. om. Tj. and om. Tj. 2236. opynly] oonly Lb. om. S. (playnly Ra.) 3iopynly may] openly yc may M. Di. Adj. Ad... I. Ba. Ej. C. To. P. E.. 2237:Ageyn Ar. Bo. Adj. trouthe Adj. trouth Ar. Bo. 2238. Fy] Figh E.j. qua-ehBo. quarells Ad^. quarellis Lb. querilis Ar. a (piarell S. 'Y^. P. nat grounde ',vpon] grounded nat on Ad^. Adg. (Ra.) Ba. S. I.

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