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Exercises( 2 2 ) Which goes with which?1 I'm going to tear up a a new camera 12 Jane came up with b a lot of bad weather 23 Paul is always making up c your jacket 34 I thinkyou should do up d an interesting suggestion 45 I don't think you should bring up e excuses 56 I'm saving up for f the letter 67 We had to put up with g that subject 7Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. You will need two or three words each time.( Sorry I’m La t e .jthis morningThe weather was horrible this morning, butit's cleared, up now.Amy was late because she was... in the traffic.fCome out for c l meal with us! Jv-------------------They bought an old house and ...Joe was really depressed. We took him out......................................... It's really nice now. for a meal to ....................................... .Complete the sentences using a verb (in the correct form) + up. Sometimes you will need otherwords as well.1 Some interesting matters caroe up in our discussion yesterday.2 The ship and sank. The cause of the explosion was never discovered.3 Two men have been arrested after a man was ...................... ........ outside a restaurantlast night. The injured man was taken to hospital.4 ‘Is Robert still going out with Tina?' ‘No, they've5 My hands were so cold, I found it hard to ... my shoelaces.6 I wish it would stop raining! I hope i t .... . soon.7 I wanted to phone Chris, but I dialled Laura’s number <strong>by</strong> mistake. I got their phone numbersC o m p le t e th e se n te n c e s u sin g a verb + up. You w ill n ee d o th e r w o r d s as w ell.1 Don't wait for me. I don't want to hold you up .2 I don't know what this word means. I'll have to ............................3 There's nothing we can do about the problem. We'll just have to4 ‘Was that story true?' ‘No, I '5 I think we should follow Tom's suggestion. Nobody has .................6 I hate this photo. I'm going to ..............................7 I'm trying to spend less money at the moment. I'm-............... it.a better plan.a trip to Australia.Additional exercises 37-41 {pages 323-25) 289

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