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Additional exercisesComplete B's sentences using can/could/m ight/m ust/should/would +the verb in brackets. <strong>In</strong>some sentences you need to use have: m ust have ... / should have ... etc. <strong>In</strong> some sentencesyou need the negative (can't/couldn't etc.).1 a: i'm h u n g ry .b : But you've just had lunch. You c W t be hungry already, (be)2 a : I haven't seen our neighbours for ages.b : No. They must Have gone away, (go)3 a: What's the weather like? Is it raining?b: Not at the moment, but it .... Later, (rain)4 a: Where's Julia?b : I'm not sure. She .............................5 a: I didn't see you at Michael's party last week.b : No J had to work that night, so I6 a: I think I saw you at Michael's party last week...................... out. (go). (go)b: No, you ........................................... me. I didn't go to Michael's party, (see)7 a: What time will we get to Sue's house?b : WelL, it takes about one and a half hours, so if we leave at 3 o'clock, we.......................................................... there <strong>by</strong> 4.30. (get)8 a: When was the last time y o u saw Bill?b: Years ago. I h im if I saw h im now. (recognise)9 a: Did you hear the explosion?b: What explosion?a: There was a loud explosion about an hour ago. You it. (hear)10 a: We weren't sure which way to go. <strong>In</strong> the end we turned right.b: You went the wrong way. You ..................................................... left, (turn)if (conditional)wU n its 25, 3 8 -4 0Put the verb into the correct form.1 If you found, a wallet in the street, what would you do with it? (you/find)2 I must hurry. My friend will be annoyed if I’m not on time. (I/not/be)3 I didn't realise that Gary was in hospital. If I d..known. he was in hospital, I would have goneto visit him. (I / know)4 If the phone . ............., can you answer it? (ring)5 I can't decide what to do. What would you do i f ... .... in my position?(you / be)6 a: What shall we do tomorrow?b: Well, if a nice day, we can go to the beach, (it / be)7 a: Let's go to the beach.b: No, it's too cold. I f ............ warmer, I wouldn't mind going, (it / be)8 a: Did you go to the beach yesterday?b: No, it was too cold. If warmer, we might have gone, (it / be)9 If .... enough money to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?(you / have)10 I'm glad we had a map. I'm sure we would have got lost ifone. (we / not / have)11 The accident was your fault. If .............................................. more carefully, it wouldn'thave happened, (you / drive)12 a: Why do you read newspapers?b: Well, if................................ ... newspapers, I wouldn't know what was happeningin the world. (I/not/read)313

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