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Key to ExercisesUNIT 7373.12 a nice holiday ... the best holiday3 the nearest shop ... the end of thisstreet4 a lovely day ... a cloud in the sky5 to the internet... the same problem6 the most expensive hotel ... acheaper hotel7 to travel in space ... go to the moon8 a star... a planet... the largestplanet in the solar system73.22 watching TV3 the radio4 The television5 had dinner74.3 UNIT 761 c OKd the university2 a OKb the hospital ... the hospitalc OK3 a OKb OKc the church4 a OKb the prisonc OK76.11 b the cheetahc the kangaroo (and the rabbit)2 a the swanb the penguinc the owl3 a the wheelb the laserc the telescope4 a the rupee74.4 c the ...2 in bed 6 go to bed3 after work 7 The bed45in the sealike home8 at sea9 work6 the same time7 the capitalUNIT 758 for breakfast 75.19 the ground ... the sky Example answers:2-573.3• I like cats.2 the same thing • I don't like zoos.3 Room 25 is on the second floor. • I don't mind snow.4 The moon goes round the earth • I'm not interested in boxing.every 27 days, or... goes round Earth ... 75.25 a very hot day ... the hottest day of 3 spidersthe year 4 meat6 We had lunch in a nice restaurant 5 the questions<strong>by</strong> the sea.6 the people7 at the cinema 7 History8 eat a good breakfast 8 lies9 on the wrong platform 9 The hotels10 The next train ... from Platform 3 10 The water11 You'll find the information you 11 the grassneed at the top of page 15. 12 patience73.4 75.32 the sea 5 breakfast 2 Apples3 question 8 6 the gate 3 the apples4 the cinema 7 Gate 21 4 Women ... men5 teaUNIT 746 The vegetables7 Life74.18 holidays (= ‘holidays <strong>by</strong> the2 to schoolgeneral)3 at home9 education4 to work10 the people5 in hospital11 people ... aggression6 at university12 All the books7 in bed13 the rooms8 to prison14 war74.2 15 The First World War2 school 16 films3 the school 17 the history of modern art4 School 18 the marriage5 ... get to and from school 19 Most people ... marriage ...... The school isn't very far.6 schoolfamily life ... society76.22 a34567b the (Canadian) dollartheathethea8 The76.32 the injured3 the unemployed4 the sick5 the rich ... the poor76.42 a German Germans3 a Frenchman/Frenchwomanthe French4 a Russian Russians5 a Chinese the Chinese6 a Brazilian Brazilians7 an Englishman/Englishwomanthe English8 ...UNIT 7777.12 the3 the ... the4 - (President Kennedy wasassassinated in 1963.)5 the6 - (I'm looking for Professor Brown.)77.23 OK4 the United States5 The south of England ... the north6 OK7 the Channel8 the Middle East9 OK10 the Swiss Alps11 The UK12 The Seychelles ... the <strong>In</strong>dian Ocean13 OK14 The river Volga ... the Caspian Sea352

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