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Key to ExercisesUNIT 113113.12 Although I had never seen her before3 although it was quite cold4 although we don't tike them verymuch5 Although I didn't speak the Languagewell6 Although the heating was on7 although I'd met her twice before8 although we've known each other along time113.22 a <strong>In</strong> spite of (or Despite)b Although3 a becauseb although4 a because ofb in spite of (or despite)5 a althoughb because ofExample answers:6 a he hadn't studied very hardb he had studied very hard7 a 1was hungryb being hungry / my hunger / thefact (that) I was hungry113.32 <strong>In</strong> spite of having very little money,they are happy, or<strong>In</strong> spite of the fact (that) they havevery Little money ...3 Although my foot was injured,I managed to walk home, or! managed to walk home althoughmy ...4 I enjoyed the film in spite of the sillystory. /... in spite of the story beingsilly. / ... in spite of the fact (that) thestory was silly, or<strong>In</strong> spite o f..., I enjoyed the film.5 Despite living in the same street,we hardly ever see each other, orDespite the fact (that) we live in ...or We hardly ever see each otherdespite ...6 Even though I was only out for fiveminutes, I got very wet in the rain.or I got very wet in the rain eventhough I was ...113.42 It's very windy though,3 We ate it though,4 I don't like her husband though.UNIT 114114.12-5• Take a map in case you get lost.• Take an anorak in case it rains.• Take a camera in case you want totake some pictures.• Take some water in case you're114.2thirsty. / ... in case you are thirsty.or ... you get thirsty.2 I'll say good<strong>by</strong>e now in case I don'tsee you again (before you go).3 Can you check the list in case weforgot something?or ... forgot anything?4 You should back up your files in114.3case there's a problem with yourcomputer. / ... there is a problemwith your computer.2 in case I forgot it.3 in case they were worried (aboutme).4 in case she didn't get the first one. /in case she hadn't got... / in case shehadn't gotten ...5 in case they came to London (oneday).114.43 If 7 if4 if 8 in case5 in case 9 in case6 ifUNIT 115115.12 You won't know what to do unlessyou listen carefully.3 I'll never speak to her again unlessshe apologises to me. orUnless she apologises to me, I'll...4 He won't be able to understand youunless you speak very slowly, orUnless you speak very slowly, he ...5 The company will have to closeunless business improves soon, orUnless business improves soon, thecompany ...115.22 I’m not going (to the party) unlessyou go too. /... unless you're going too.3 The dog won't attack you unless youmove suddenly.4 Ben won't speak to you unless youask him something.5 The doctor won't see you unless it'san emergency.115.32 unless 7 provided3 providing 8 Unless4 as long as 9 unless5 unless 10 as long as6 unless115.4Example answers:2 it's not too hot3 there isn't too much traffic4 it isn't raining5 I'm in a hurry6 you have something else to do7 you pay it back next week8 you take risksUNIT 116116.12 1listened as she told me her story.3 1burnt myself as 1was taking a hotdish out of the oven.4 The crowd cheered as the two teamscame onto the field.5 A dog ran out in front of the car aswe were driving along the road.116.22 As today is a public holiday, many ofthe shops are shut.3 As 1didn't want to disturb anybody, 1was very quiet.4 As 1don't know what to do, 1needsome advice.5 As none of us had a watch, we didn'tknow what time it was.116.33 because4 at the same time as5 at the same time as6 because7 because116.43 OK4 when 1was in London5 When 1left school6 OK7 when 1was a child116.5Example answers:1 I saw you as you were getting intoyour car.2 It started to rain just as we startedplaying tennis.3 As I didn't have enough money for ataxi, I had to walk home.4 just as I took the picture, somebodywalked in front of the camera.361

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