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<strong>In</strong>dexcan 26can I/you ... ? 37can and other modal verbsAppendix 4can't (cannot) 26, 28can't help 57Ccapable (of) 131Bcare (care about, care for, take care of)carry133Ccarry on 53B, 141Acarryout 139Ccase (in case) 114causative have (have something done)46cause (of) 129Bcertaincertain (+ to ...) 65Ecertain of/about 131Bcheque (<strong>by</strong> cheque) 128Achurch (church/thechurch) 74Bclaim (+ to...) 54Cclauseswhen and //"clauses 25//clauses 38-40-ing clauses 68, 97relative clauses 92-96collide (with) 136Ccomparatives 105-107comparatives with even 112Ccomplain (to somebody about/of...)134Dcompound nouns (a tennis ball, aheadache etc.) 80concentrate (on) 136Econditional sentences (//sentences)if I do... 25Cif I do and if I did 38if I knew, if I were etc. 39if I had known, if I had been etc. 40unless 115 Aas long as 115Bproviding/provided 115Bcongratulate (on) 62B, 135Dconnection (with/between) 129Econscious (of) 131Bconsider (+ -ing) 53, 56Aconsist (of) 135Acontact (with/between) 129Econtinue (+ to ... or -ing) 56Ccontinuous tenses see presentcontinuous, past continuousverbs not used in continuoustenses 4A, 6E, 10D, 16E, 17Acontractions (short forms)Appendix 5corner (in/at/on the comer) 124Ecould 26, 27, 29Ccould and was able to 26Dcould (do) and could have (done) 27couldn't have (done) 27E, 28Bcould in //sentences 38C, 39E, 40DI wish I could 41Ccould I/you... ? 37could and other modal verbsAppendix 4countable and uncountable nouns69-70crash (into) 136Bcritical (of) 131Acrowded (with) 131Cdamage (uncountable noun) 70Bdamage to 129Ddare 54Bdecidedecide + to... 54, 56Adecide against + -ing 62Adelighted (with) 130Bdemanddemand + should 34A-Ba demand for 129Adeny (+ -ing) 53, 56Adepend (on) 135Ddependent (on) 131Cdepressed (and depressing) 98deserve (+ to ...) 54A, 56Adespite 113did (in past simple questions andnegatives) 5Cdie (of) 135Adifference (between) 129Edifferent (from/to) 131Cdifficulty (have difficulty + -ing) 63Cdirect speech and reported speech47-48, 50Bdisappointeddisappointed + to... 65Cdisappointed and disappointing 98disappointed with 130Bdiscuss (no preposition) 133Adivide (into) 136Bdo/does (in present simple questionsand negatives) 2Cdo up 144Ddown (verb +down) 137,142dreamdream of +-ing 62A, 66Ddream about/of 134Cduring 119each (of) 91each other 82C-ed clauses 97either (of) 89not... either 51Ceither... or 89Ceither and any 89Delder 106Eeldest 108Cencourage (+ to ...) 55Bendin the end and at the end 122Bat the end (position) 124Cendup 143Eenjoy (+ -ing) 53A, 54A, 56A, 58Aenough 103envious (of) 131Aeven 112position of even 110even if/when 112 Deventhough 112D.113Eever (with the present perfect) 8Aevery 90every and all 90everybody/everyone/everything 90A-Cevery and each 91everyone and every one 91Dexcited (about) 130Bexclamations (W h at...!) 71A-Bexcuse (for) 62 BexpectI expect so / 1don't expect so 51Dexpect +to ... 55Aexpected (it is expected that) 45Aexperience (countable or uncountablenoun) 70Aexplain 54D, 132Afail (+ to...) 54A, 56A, 66Dfairly 104famous (for) 131Cfancy (+ -ing) 53A, 56Afarfar/further/farther 105Cfar+ comparative 106Afa s ti 01Bfed up (with) 60A, 130Cfeelhow do you feel and how are you feeling4Dfeel like 62Afeel + adjective 99C, 100Bfew 69C, 87few and a few 87C-Dfew (of) 88finishfinish +-ing 53finish off 141Cfirstit's the first time I'v e ... 8Dthe first/last/next + to ... 65 Dthe first two days 99 Dfond (of) 131Aforfor with the present perfect 8B, 9B,11-12for and since 12Afor and to ... (purpose) 64C, 103Cfor and during 119noun + for 129Aadjective + for 130D, 131Cverb + for 133,135Bforget (+ to . ..) 54, 56Aforgive (for) 135 Bfrightened (of) 131Afromadjective +from 131Cverb + from 135C374

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