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Key to Exercises126.42 I got on3 I got out of the car. /... my car.4 I got off the train.5 I got into the taxi, or I got 3 in taken the with a very good camerataxi,6 I got off the plane.UNIT 127127.12 in cold weather3 in pencil4 in love5 in capital letters6 in the shade7 in my opinion127.22 on strike3 on a tour4 on TV5 on purpose6 on a diet7 on business8 on holiday9 on the phone10 on the whole127.32 on3 on4 at5 in6 on7 in8 on9 at10 at11 on12 <strong>In</strong> my opinion ... on television13 on14 on15 on16 at17 on18 inUNIT 128128.12 <strong>by</strong> mistake3 <strong>by</strong> hand4 <strong>by</strong> credit card5 <strong>by</strong> canal128.22 on3 <strong>by</strong>4 <strong>by</strong> car... on my bike5 in6 on7 <strong>by</strong>128.32 travelling <strong>by</strong> bus ortravelling on the bus ortravelling on buses4 this music is <strong>by</strong> Beethoven5 pay cash or pay in cash6 a mistake <strong>by</strong> one of our players128.4Example answers:3-5* Ulysses is a novel <strong>by</strong> James Joyce.* Yesterday is a song <strong>by</strong> PaulMcCartney.* Guernica is a painting <strong>by</strong> Pablo128.52 <strong>by</strong>Picasso.3 with4 <strong>by</strong>5 <strong>by</strong>6 <strong>by</strong> car... in your car7 <strong>by</strong> the bed with a lamp and a clockon it128.62 The price has gone up <strong>by</strong> ten pence.3 Helen won <strong>by</strong> two votes.4 t missed her/Kate <strong>by</strong> five minutes.UNIT 129129.12 to the problem3 with her brother4 in the cost of livingSto your question6 for a new road7 in or to working at home8 in the number of people withoutjobs9 for shoes like these any more10 between your job and mine129.22 invitation to3 contact with4 key to (key for is also possible)5 cause of6 reply to7 connection between8 photographs of9 reason for10 damage to129.32 to3 in4 of5 in or to6 for7 to or towards8 with9 in10 to11 of12 for a rise in pay13 to14 withUNIT 130130.12 That was nice of him.3 That was generous of her.4 That wasn't very nice of them.5 That's very kind of you.6 That isn't very polite of him.7 That's a bit childish of them.130.22 kind to3 angry with4 excited about5 impressed <strong>by</strong> / impressed with6 bored with (bored <strong>by</strong> is alsopossible)7 amazed at / amazed <strong>by</strong>8 careless of130.32 of3 to4 with5 with (<strong>by</strong> or in are also possible)6 to7 at/<strong>by</strong>8 with9 about10 about11 for12 about/<strong>by</strong>/at13 to14 of15 <strong>by</strong>/with16 about17 at/<strong>by</strong>18 about19 with us for making20 sorry for/about... angry with364

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