titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association

titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association

titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association


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Delivery of Schemes 103some cases shown reductions ofover 80% in reported crime.The scheme evaluatessurveillance, boundarytreatment, lighting, vehicularaccess, the parking area,pedestrian access, security,signage, and managementpractice. Details are availablefrom the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Parking</strong><strong>Association</strong>.When new car parks are beingbuilt, or old ones are refurbished,the security measures should beconsidered carefully at designstage. The local police crimeprevention design advisor orarchitectural liaison officer andthe regional developmentmanager for the secured carpark scheme should beconsulted before the design isfinalised. Further advice can beobtained from the Institution ofStructural Engineers (3).Security is particularly importantat park-and-ride car parks ascriminals can easily observe thata driver is boarding a bus or trainand likely to be away for sometime. Full CCTV coverage andregular patrols are, therefore,necessary, while an operationalpolicy of always having a buswaiting by the car park alsohelps.The potential threat of terroristaction needs also to beconsidered in designingappropriate security systems.Generally speaking, securitymeasures are relevant for bothpersonal and vehicle security,although the presence ofpersonnel may be perceived byusers as particularly reassuringin terms of risks of personalattacks. Other security measuresinclude:● Lighting;● Design of access ways;● Layout of parking bays;● CCTV; and● Personnel presence.ShopmobilityShopmobility is a scheme thatlends manual and poweredwheelchairs and poweredscooters to members of thepublic with limited mobility, tohelp them to shop and use theleisure and commercial facilitiesof the town, city centre orshopping centre. The NationalFederation of Shopmobility by2002 had registered 224schemes in England, 18 inScotland, 11 in Wales, and 8 inNorthern Ireland.Schemes are mostly but notexclusively designed for use bypeople arriving in town or citycentres by car. (A scheme in FortWilliam serves people arriving bybus and rail, and is sited betweenthe two stations.) It is, therefore,appropriate for them to be sitedwithin a public car park. Theoperating base should be closeto, and on the same level as,reserved parking bays fordisabled people. It must bestaffed during operational hours,using either full or part-time staff,and often involving the use ofvolunteers. To help meetoperating costs, charges can beapplied either for the car parking,or for the equipment hire, or both.Good information should bemade available on the Internetand through local council officesand disability groups.Park-and-RideThe issue of when to introducepark-and-ride is considered inChapter 6. Implementation ofsuch facilities revolves aroundlocation; information; andsupporting public transportservices.1. LocationAuthorities wishing to locatepark-and-ride car parks on theedge of a town or city often haveno choice but to locate them inGreen Belt or other protectedlandscape. PPG13 has an annexon the issues to be considered insuch cases. Sometimes the carpark has to be located in an areabelonging to a different authority,and this can complicate theplanning issues and funding.

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