titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association

titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association

titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association


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82 Chapter 6In Manchester signs have beencombined on buildings and streetfurniture in an effort to minimiseclutter.Integrated residential parking,Freiburg.intrusiveness that is consistentwith ensuring that drivers canunderstand what restrictions arein force. A distinction can also bedrawn between RestrictedZones, where it is legitimate notto install a certain amount ofsigning and lining and CPZ or nozones where more signs andlines are likely to be required.Design of residentialparking placesLocal authorities should ensurethat any urban design guide fortheir area should outlineguidance for residential parking.In addition, the Government inthe form of “Better places to live”(8) has provided some advice onhow to accommodate parking inresidential areas. Further advicemay be available from the ODPMresearch report into PPG3 andHighway Adoption procedures.Thanks to encouragement bylocal authority and nationalurban design guidance,developers are increasinglydeparting from the suburbannorm of two or more car spaceswithin the dwelling curtilage.Instead parking isaccommodated in courtyards,basements or shared spaces onthe street. Provided safety andsecurity can be guaranteed,these methods allow either theprovision of more useful amenityspace, or building to higherdensities, which in turn improvesaccessibility to public transportand other facilities.Another option is to lease carparking spaces separately fromthe dwellings. This allows thosewho want a car to have a spacebut makes it cheaper for thosewho choose not to have a car tobuy or rent a dwelling. Demandwill generally be lower when thisarrangement is used, and theoverall provision can thereforebe lowered.In Chichester city centre, West SussexCounty Council has combined theentry signs to the Controlled <strong>Parking</strong>Zone with speed restriction signs in anattempt to minimise this problem.In Buntingford, Hertfordshire there areparking regulations with signs only atentry to the controlled area.

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