titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association

titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association

titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association


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Formulating <strong>Parking</strong> Interventions 81● Cycle parking in newdwellings (if cycling is to beencouraged, secure andconvenient parking must beavailable at both ends of thetrip;● Any charges for secure cyclelockers or secure cycleparking at public car parks;and● Description of any routineconsultation arrangementswith cycling interests.The National Cycling Strategyidentified cycle security as a keyissue and sets out objectives ofimproving parking at majordestinations, including towncentres,shoppingdevelopments, educationalestablishments, hospitals andleisure facilities.Planning policies should includeminimum cycle parkingstandards for provision in newdevelopments, together withappropriate polices onrequirements for shower andchanging facilities.Further advice on the design ofcycle parking is provided inTraffic Advisory Leaflet 6/99 (6).TaxisTaxi parking should beconsidered in a comprehensiveparking strategy. Taxi ranksshould be provided where thereis likely to be a demand for theiruse. In establishing sites for taxiranks, the local taxi drivers’association should be consulted,as they will be aware of thelocations and times whendemand arises. In some areas itmay be appropriate to providepart-time taxi ranks, for example,London Borough of Croydon operatefree secure cycle storage within anumber multi-storey car parks,subject to a £5 key deposit, which isrenewable monthly. This scheme hasproved to be particularly successfulamongst local commuters to the towncentre.Aberdeen City Council’sPark–and–Ride scheme providessecure cycle parking, both lockersand “Sheffield” stands, at their staffedsites. Secure parking is provided freeof charge with only the cost of thebus fare (£2) payable.close to places of entertainmentlate at night in locations thatmight be required for loadingduring the day. The Traffic SignsRegulations and GeneralDirections (7) allow this.The Local Authority shouldidentify appropriate sites for taxiranks at railway and busstations, in shopping centres andclose to places of entertainment.Prominent town centre locations,like market squares, shouldnormally have taxi ranks.Historically telephones wereprovided at taxi ranks but, nowthat taxis are radio controlled orhave mobile telephones,telephones on ranks areunnecessary.Environment and StreetDesignAuthorities should produceguidance on the integration ofparking equipment (includingsigns, markings and machines)with the street environment. Toooften the impact is disregardedand the result is unsightly streetclutter, much of which can beavoided.Although more exactingstandards of design may bespecified for town centres, and inconservation areas, there is amore general need to bringabout streetscape designs thatreflect functions other than justparking and traffic. The impact ofthe signing requirement of aControlled <strong>Parking</strong> Zone (CPZ)upon the streetscape can beconsiderable, though perhapsless than might be required in theabsence of the CPZ. The TrafficSigns Regulations and GeneralDirections (7) specify the designof signs, rather than theirlocation, except in thoseinstances where certainmarkings have to beaccompanied by certain signsand where entry signs areneeded to a CPZ zone.In especially sensitive historicenvironments, efforts should bemade to minimise the use ofsigns and markings within acontrolled zone, or to arrangetheir placement to minimise theirCycle shelter and lockers Aberdeen.

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