titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association

titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association

titlepage/contents pg 1-16 - British Parking Association


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26 Chapter 3important function in providingthe framework for parking at newdevelopments, including settingout the maximum amount ofparking that can be provided indifferent circumstances, and theplanning obligations anddeveloper contributions that maybe sought.Following the “plan-led” systemthere has been an increasingemphasis on positive planning toachieve urban regeneration andrevival – a so-called “urbanrenaissance” – spearheaded bythe report of the Urban TaskForce, and the subsequentUrban White Paper. There is alarge array of guidance and bestpractice documentation, in whichthe need to reform the approachto parking provision andmanagement is a prominenttheme. Some references areprovided at the end of thischapter.Responsibility for preparingdevelopment plans lies at locallevel, with the local planningauthority responsible drafting theplan, consulting on it and holdinga public inquiry. Once theauthority has received the inquiryreport and adopted the Plan it issubmitted to the Secretary ofState for approval. Therefore,although local authorities haveconsiderable discretion inpreparing plans, they should notreceive the approval of theSecretary of State if they arecontrary to the relevant nationalor regional polices.<strong>Parking</strong> policies and standardswill be a key part of these newplans and frameworks. Untilrecently development plansconfined their content on parkingto the specification of parkingstandards in new developments.The requirement now to specifymaximum standards means thatthe scope of parking-relatedpolicies will need to bebroadened. The parkingelements will now need toconsider:●Use of a wide range of toolssuch as charges and onstreetcontrols;●Use of parking as part of anintegrated transport andplanning package forparticular areas;● Requirements for applicantsto submit TransportAssessments, with proposedparking as an output of theanalysis;● Indications of developercontributions that will besought towards the cost oftransport provision andinvestment; and● Supplementary PlanningGuidance for on-street andurban design and othermatters where parking will bean important factor.Development ControlDevelopment control is theprocess whereby decisions aretaken on individual applicationsfor development. Given the keyrole of parking provision as apolicy instrument, negotiation ofthe amount of parking in a newdevelopment should featureprominently in the developmentcontrol process.The amount, type and design ofparking are a critical part of anyplanning application. However,the focus is moving away from adirect simple relationshipbetween the amount of floorspace in a new development andthe amount of parking required.The focus now is on determiningparking provision in accordancewith policy, and specifically inrelation to accessibility. A moresophisticated approach isdemanded, using an overallTransport Assessment of thedevelopment, whereby thedemand for parking, and themethod of its accommodation isan output of the analysis.The amount of parking providedas part of a new development isnow subject to a maximum level.Whilst the overall maximum levelfor developments over a certainthreshold size is specified inPPG13, there will be othermaxima determined in theregional transport strategy, andwithin that by the local authorityas part of its Development Plan.

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