OPTIMA Newsletter 38

OPTIMA Newsletter 38

OPTIMA Newsletter 38


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Botanical Calendars and Postcards<br />

57. 56BAnonymous – Saperi e sapori del Parco<br />

delle Madonie. – Arianna, Geraci<br />

Siculo, & Parco delle Madonie, Petralia<br />

Sottana, [2004 for] 2005. 17 sheets, illustrated<br />

in colour; ring binding.<br />

“Knowledge and tastes of the Madonie<br />

Nature Park” is a collaborative project aiming<br />

to collect and record local traditions in<br />

the villages surrounding and supporting the<br />

Park. The present table calendar (in postcard<br />

format, double-faced with identical sides)<br />

bears images of six plants used as vegetables,<br />

reproduced from 19 th century colour<br />

plates of unknown source: chicory, fennel,<br />

beet, Scotch thistle (Onopordum illyricum),<br />

leek and borage. Monthly, plant presentations<br />

(all texts by botanists of Palermo University)<br />

alternate with cooking recipes of<br />

traditional dishes, by local cooks and innkeepers.<br />

All revolves around the fashionable<br />

term and concept “ecogastronomy” – but<br />

you might be hard put to come up with an<br />

edible result when trying to apply the rather<br />

sketchy recipes by using what you find on<br />

your local market.<br />

W.G.<br />

58. 57Boula Iôan. LAMPROPOULOU – Anthê<br />

tou dêmou Filiatrôn kai tês euruterês<br />

periohês tês Trifulias. – Anko Press,<br />

s.l., [2006 for] 2007. 16 recto printed<br />

sheets, colour photographs; ring binding.<br />

Filiatrá is a village in Messenia, north of<br />

Pilos on the coast of SW Peloponnesus. Last<br />

year it took the initiative to publish a first<br />

calendar of its own and to devote it to wildflowers.<br />

The translated title reads: “Flowers<br />

of the municipality of Filiatrá and of the<br />

wider area of Trifilía”. Professor Voula<br />

Lambropoulou signs as text author and photographer.<br />

As her name is unknown in botany<br />

I looked it up on the Web and found,<br />

much to my surprise, that she is a specialist<br />

Publications<br />

of gender study, professor of philosophy at<br />

Athens University.<br />

The photographs are of excellent quality<br />

and exquisite beauty, but not all represent<br />

wildflowers, several are of garden ornamentals.<br />

The botanical contents of the texts are<br />

of marginal interest, whereas there are, in<br />

some instances, instructive data pertaining to<br />

mythology and classical history. Veronica<br />

glauca features as “Myosotis sylvatica”, a<br />

slip to be condoned in view of the author’s<br />

professional background.<br />

W.G.<br />

Floristic Inventories and Checklists<br />

59. 58BChristian STIERSTORFER & Markus<br />

VON GAISBERG – Annotated checklist<br />

and distribution of the vascular plants<br />

of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain.<br />

[Englera (ISSN 0170-4818), 27.] –<br />

Botanischer Garten & Botanisches Museum<br />

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin, 2006<br />

(ISBN 978-3-921800-59-1). 221 pages,<br />

photographic frontispiece, maps; paper.<br />

The two authors have explored the botany<br />

of El Hierro, the westernmost Canary<br />

Island, for several years, starting in 1997.<br />

The study of the vegetation provided the<br />

subject of their doctoral theses, dealing with<br />

the lower areas (Gaisberg; see below) and<br />

the forest belt (Stierstorfer), both published<br />

in 2005 in the series “Dissertationes Botanicae”.<br />

The floristic and chorological results of<br />

their studies are set out in the present book.<br />

Two full inventories of the flora of El<br />

Hierro exist, both fairly recent, but nevertheless<br />

there is good justification for having<br />

published this new one. Apart from a number<br />

of new taxa records, the authors contribute<br />

original information on the naturalisation<br />

status of many species, and point at numerous<br />

others that were recorded in error (or, as<br />

they carefully write, the presence of which<br />

they were unable to confirm). Often they add<br />

critical or explanatory notes, and cite refer-<br />

2009 <strong>OPTIMA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> No. <strong>38</strong> (33)

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