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22REVIEWSBitmapsIn addition to using a bitmap as anobject fill you can also insert bitmapobjects into your document, this isachieved by first loading the image intoDrawStudio and then placing it on thepage. This process is slightly more longwinded than other packages but it hasthe advantage that DrawStudio onlyloads an image once, regardless of howmany times that image is used in thedocument. All the common bitmapformats are supported for loading includingIFF, JPEG and TIFF. You can alsochoose to save any combination ofobjects or even a whole page as abitmap image for use in other programsor on a web page. If you’re saving in a24bit format such as IFF24 or JPEG youcan switch on the Antialiasing featurewhich smooths out the jaggies in curvedand diagonal lines when they are savedas a low resolution bitmap.FontsPostscript fonts are supported and thereis a built-in font manager which allowsyou to access fonts installed anywhereon your system, so DrawStudio canshare a common set of fonts with otherapplications. As PostScript fonts arescalable they produce perfect smoothoutput at any size, DrawStudio alsoallows you to convert a text object intoits component shapes so you canmanually edit the letters, idea for logos.Like any other object text can have itsown line and fill styles and you can alsoapply any of DrawStudio’s specialeffects. While the text support is ideal forprojects with a small amount of text youwouldn’t want to add large blocks of textto a DrawStudio document as there isno line wrap support (you must pressReturn at the end of each line) and eachblock of text must all be in the sameformat (you can’t make a single word ina paragraph bold or underlined for example).Another limitation is that youcannot import text from a file, everyword must be typed into a text box.Special EffectsA selection of special effect features canhelp jazz up your documents (althoughmost of them are best used sparingly!).The most flexible is the warp effectwhich can form the objects you selectinto a certain envelope. A variety of presetwarps are available in the Warprequester, some examples are perspective,arc and parallelogram. If you’refeeling adventurous you can make acustom warp by dragging four handlesaround the shape to create your ownenvelope. Text on a curve wraps anytext you select along a curve or arounda circle. There a plenty of options allowingyou to set the offset from the curveand how the text is sized to fit the availablespace, as usual a preview helpsyou make the right choices.OutputIn addition to saving bitmaps which arecompatible with almost any packageDrawStudio can save its output invarious structured formats. As youwould expect the native DrawStudioformat supports all the program’sfeatures including multiple pages andtransparencies however as far as I amaware no other programs are able toload or save this format. The other supportedformats are IFFD2RD and EPS.IFFD2RD is the standard <strong>Amiga</strong> structureddrawing format and is supportedby most other drawing and DTP programs,however it does not support allDawStudio’s features. EPS is in thesame boat on features support but it iscompatible with many recent programson the <strong>Amiga</strong> and other platforms, asEPS is a type of PostScript you can usethe PostScript display mode to checkexactly what will be saved. As onlyDrawStudio’s own format supports allthe programs you will probably need tosave as a bitmap at an appropriate resolutionto get the full effect into anotherpackage. Although this isn’t a majorproblem it is a pity that a powerful,widely supported, structured graphicsformat hasn’t appeared on the <strong>Amiga</strong>.TurboPrint, PostScript and preferencesprinter drivers are supported for printingfrom DrawStudio, of the three onlyTurboPrint will really do DrawStudiojustice by printing in full 24bit colour.The main DrawStudio window.ConsI can find very few negative things to sayabout DrawStudio, if I had to find onearea it would be that the interface canfeel a bit clumsy, in particular the wayyou have to open requesters to performmany functions. Most graphics and DTPprograms now use palettes so thesefunctions can remain available while youwork on different objects, making theirinterfaces feel more fluid.ConclusionDrawStudio is an extremely useful toolboth for creating images for use in otherapplications and for short, graphicallyoriented documents. I’ve found it particularlygood for projects where I wantto mix bitmap and structured elements,it’s here that those transparent effectsreally come into their own! You soonlearn the quirks of its interface and beginto enjoy the wealth of powerful features.It’s sad that a program of this calibre isno longer being developed however topmarks to Kickstart for publishing it againat an excellent price.ResultsProsPowerful, wide range of features.Excellent value for money.ConsInterface slightly old fashioned.No further development.CLUBBED - Issue 8KicksoftGraphicsDrawstudioThis excellent Graphics package avaliable one again!!Comes on CDand includes Texture Studio & Image Studio.£35.00Photogenics 5This excellent Graphics package by Paul Nolan. On CD.£70.00Image EngineerGreat Image manipulation program. Add effects to imagessuch as Jigsaw, Wave and Frame! Comes on CD.£25.00Candy Factory ProCreate 3D Text from any standard font and use them on webpages etc. Comes on CD.£35.00Art Effect 4Billed as “Photoshop® on the <strong>Amiga</strong>”. Excellent graphicpackage. 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Comes on CDwith example MPEGs.£18.00Frogger68k MPEG player. Comes on CD with example MPEGs.£12.00RivaThe fastest 68k MPEG player on the <strong>Amiga</strong>! Comes on CDwith example MPEGs.£18.00SoftCinemaPPC AVI, QT and Mov player. On CD with example Movies.£18.00InternetInet DialHome server on your <strong>Amiga</strong>©. Comes on CD, includesApache and Geek Gadgets.£40.00AWebExcellent web browser Full Version. Comes on Floppy.£35.00AWeb UpgradeExcellent web Browser. Upgrade from OS 3.5 or OS 3.9.Comes on Floppy.£29.99UtilitiesProfessional File System 3The fastest and safest file system avaliable, upto 300 timesfaster than FFS. No longer get Validation errors!£35.00MetaviewThe best Clipart viewer on the <strong>Amiga</strong>©. Comes on CDwith30,000 clip art images.£18.00DiavoloThe best backup program on the <strong>Amiga</strong>©. Comes on Floppydisk.£50.00Add £1.00 UK postage per item. Make cheques payable to Kicksoft Ltd.Buy Online athttp://www.kicksoft.co.ukKicksoft Ltd.,30 Whitegate Way,Tadworth,Surrey, KT20 5NS(01737) 215432

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