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NEWSFEATURESDynAMIteEver fancied blowing up your friends?Well now here’s your chance withDynAMIte, a freeware bomberman /dynablaster-clone which is designed tobe played (in fact it can only be played)over a TCP/IP network which of courseincludes the Internet. Dynamite isprogrammed by the Author of the excellentAmi Trade Centre (the only FTPclient with built-in Tetris) so it deserves aclose look.One of the features that is making thegame popular on the ‘net is that it canbe customised, both new levels andstyles (which give the characters a newEMail MadeSimpleSimple Mail is a new open source EMailprogram with a MUI GUI, in many wayssimilar to YAM (which wasn’t opensource when the Simple Mail projectstarted) however its programmers aim toimplement features differently and addnew ones. For example Simple Mail alreadyhas a threaded message view andhierarchical message folders not foundin YAM. The threaded message view isa real boon as it makes reading mailinglists much more comfortable.Simple Mail already has the basicfeatures required to handle simpleEMailing and it is an on going project.New releases are made availableregularly and each one has a slew ofadditional features. <strong>Download</strong> the latestversion from:simplemail.sourceforge.netlook), designed by players, can bedownloaded from the Dynamite website.Anyway check it out for yourself at:amisource.de/dynamiteMany <strong>Amiga</strong> users would love to be ableto add USB ports to their machine, imagineaccess to the world of cheap USBhardware, from mice to scanners. Aswith many things this is not as simple ashooking up a USB controller to a Zorroslot or other likely port and pluggingdevices in. The USB ports themselvesneed a driver and on top of that eachdevice needs a driver too, some deviceslike keyboards and mice are prettygeneric but complex ones like scannerswill need a driver for each model.Michael Böhmer has put together a veryinteresting web page that aims to collectinformation about efforts to bring USB tothe <strong>Amiga</strong>. Surprisingly he even has pictures(shown below) of a USB interfacewhich attaches to the A1200 clock port,so even though it has no drivers yetthere is some progress being made,take a look at:www.e3b.de/usb/USBCentralMorePaybackSince releasing their criminal themedoverhead “drive-em up”, Payback, ApexDesigns haven’t stopped enhancing thegame, firstly several updates have beenmade available on their website to fixbugs and add new features. Next lots ofnew maps created by players are availablewhich extend the game a greatdeal. Probably the most interestingdevelopment is that a PowerPC versionutilising WarpUp is in the works, not onlywill this play more smoothly but it includesbetter quality shading and realisticlighting which, by the screenshotsavailable, takes the game to a new levelof graphical quality. The PPC versionwill be a free upgrade to existing ownersso you got no excuse, buy this excellentgame now, you can even do so on-lineat Apex’s website:www.apex-designs.netThree shots from the upcomingPPC Payback show the new subtlelighting and shadow effects.<strong>Amiga</strong> UpdateSince our last <strong>issue</strong> <strong>Amiga</strong> Inc. havemade some major announcementsrelating to both the <strong>Amiga</strong> DE(Digital Environment) and the future of<strong>Amiga</strong> OS. From the point of view of existing<strong>Amiga</strong> users the most interesting announcementis probably that the <strong>Amiga</strong>OSwill continue to be developed to version 4and beyond. I don’t think this means thatthe 50,000 copies of OS3.9 were soldwhich Fleecy Moss originally suggestedwas a requirement for OS 4, instead thestrategy has been reworked so a radicallyenhanced OS 4.x and 5 running on newhardware complement the <strong>Amiga</strong> DE.<strong>Amiga</strong> have now <strong>issue</strong>d a clear plan forOS 4 development, here is a summary ofthe key features for each release:<strong>Amiga</strong>OS 4.0Version 4.0 is the first step to a PowerPCnative <strong>Amiga</strong>OS that takes full advantageof Zico (<strong>Amiga</strong>’s specification for future“<strong>Amiga</strong>” computers) compliant computers.In this release key aspects of the OS willbe ported to PPC and the remaining 68kcode will run under emulation, no 68kprocessor will be required. Even with version4.0 new features will be added thathave never been available in the<strong>Amiga</strong>OS.• PPC native Exec (OS kernel) allowing forthe following execution of PPC, 68k andmixed (PPC+68k) executables.• A PPC 68k emulator.• Virtual Memory System for new applicationsand games.• Graphics system with support for moderngraphics cards, Voodoo3 and MatroxG450 drivers included in this release.• Audio system with integrated AHI andCAMD (for MIDI) support.• PPC native reimplementation of FFS withhigher performance and reliability.• New TCP/IP stack optimised for PPC,multiplayer gaming and content serving.We understand that initially OS4.0 will supportonly the Eyetech <strong>Amiga</strong>One and anA1200 will be required. Presumably otherhardware such as Elbox and Matay will besupported as development continues.<strong>Amiga</strong>OS 4.24.2 will continue the work started in 4.0with more of the OS code running nativelyon PPC, it will also allow all applications torun without an older <strong>Amiga</strong> attached. Moreof the features of Zico specification hardwarewill be supported. Release 4.2 willalso see the integration of the <strong>Amiga</strong>Digital Environment into <strong>Amiga</strong>OS.• <strong>Amiga</strong>DE hosted directly in the <strong>Amiga</strong>OS• Personal Java• SHEEP scripting language• Audio System made PPC native withdrivers for EMU10K1 PCI cards.• USB2.0 support with drivers for mouse,keyboard and hub.• <strong>Amiga</strong>.devices reimplemented as retargetable,removing the requirement forold <strong>Amiga</strong> hardware to be present<strong>Amiga</strong>OS 4.5<strong>Amiga</strong>OS4.5 represents the final stage inthe creation of a native PPC OS. Its tasksinclude:• All remaining 68k OS code to be convertedto PPC native.• All hardware features of the zico spec.made accessible to developers.• New user environment.<strong>Amiga</strong>OS 5<strong>Amiga</strong>OS5 represents a revolution in thedevelopment of ‘other’ operating systemsand the evolution of the <strong>Amiga</strong>OS as itseeks to provide the best way forwards forusers and developers. Its feature set includes:• Brand new services model providing• Virtual Memory• Memory Protection• Symmetric and Asymmetric modes• <strong>Amiga</strong>OS4 sandbox• and many more advanced features.You might ask how this fits in with <strong>Amiga</strong>’splans for the DE? It seems that plans forOS 4 and beyond came about becauseextending the DE to a full desktop operatingsystem was found to be incompatiblewith other key target platforms such asPDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) andother portable devices. For example amodern desktop OS needs features likememory protection and virtual memorywhich are not part of <strong>Amiga</strong> DE andadding them would be over kill on a mobilephone. Therefore <strong>Amiga</strong>’s aim is to make acomputer running <strong>Amiga</strong>OS 4 and abovethe home server which stores digital contentsuch as video and music for accessby other devices running <strong>Amiga</strong>DE. Thiscomputer can also be a “powerful computerin its own right”. From version 4.2<strong>Amiga</strong>OS will have <strong>Amiga</strong> DE integratedso it can run all software and “content”developed for the DE, another benefit willbe access to Tao’s Personal Java, givingcompatibility that <strong>Amiga</strong>OS has lacked fora long time.For full details of the new <strong>Amiga</strong> strategyLoads to report from<strong>Amiga</strong> this <strong>issue</strong>, RobertWilliams gets stuck in!take a look at the extensive TechnicalUpdate linked from Bill McEwan’s 12th ofApril update at: www.amiga.com<strong>Amiga</strong> OneAs we mentioned above the <strong>Amiga</strong>Onefrom Eyetech is scheduled to be the firstmachine running <strong>Amiga</strong>OS 4.0. Since ourlast <strong>issue</strong> development of the A1200 versionhas continued apace, prototypeboards have been shown at several <strong>Amiga</strong>shows in the US and the UK but so far nomachines have actually been seen running.According to the latest update on the<strong>Amiga</strong>One website OS4.0 shipped with the<strong>Amiga</strong> one will support 1GB of mainmemory, UDMA IDE and SCSI controllers,Ethernet cards 2D drivers for VooDoo3PCI/AGP and Matrox G450 PCI/AGP &G550 AGP graphics cards. Warp3D/Mesa3D drivers will also be shipped with thefirst release of OS4.0. Sound card (withPaula emulation), USB (keyboard andmouse) drivers will follow as downloadableupdates so we won’t have to wait untilOS4.2 for those facilities. Eyetech nowexpect the <strong>Amiga</strong>One and OS4.0 to beshipping to customers in the first week ofOctober this year.For full details visit the <strong>Amiga</strong>One sectionof the Eyetech website atwww.eyetech.co.uk/amigaone.8 CLUBBED - Issue 8Summer 20019Sharp<strong>Amiga</strong> have announced their first “household name” partner, consumer electronicsgiant Sharp. <strong>Amiga</strong> will be providing<strong>Amiga</strong>DE based “content” (that is ap-

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