Contents - Medicinski Fakultet u Sarajevu - University of Sarajevo

Contents - Medicinski Fakultet u Sarajevu - University of Sarajevo

Contents - Medicinski Fakultet u Sarajevu - University of Sarajevo

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Oral presentationANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF NEWBORNS BORN IN1998, 2007 AND 2008 IN GRAČANICA (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA)Jasminka Hadžihalilović 1 , Duška Bećirović 2 , Sabina H.Halilović 3 ,Amela Dahić 4 , Lejla Mešalić 51Faculty <strong>of</strong> Natural Science and Mathematics,<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tuzla;2Helath center, Živinice;3Medical school Tuzla;4Gymnasium „Meša Selimović“ Tuzla;5Helath center Tuzla, (B&H)E-mail: jasnahba@yahoo.comIntroduction: Children’s’ growth and developmentcan be observed on individual level and on populationlevel. Anthropometric measures are main index<strong>of</strong> growth in children. The purpose <strong>of</strong> this work wasto analyze weight at birth, body length and head circumference<strong>of</strong> newborn babies from Gračanica thatwere born in 2007 and 2008, and then compare the resultswith information from 1998, in order to establisheventual secular trend. Examinees and methods. Examineesare babies born in period from January the 1stto December the 31st, 1998, and from January the 1st,2007 to December the 28th, 2008. The method is retrospectiveand has used information from the book <strong>of</strong>protocols at Gynecology clinic <strong>of</strong> Public hospital „Dr.Mustafa Mujbegović“ in Gračanica. In previously mentionedperiod (1998, 2007 and 2008) there were moregirls born than boys (♂ = 639; ♀ = 682; total =1321newborns). Results. In this sample (2007/2008), 2,39%<strong>of</strong> girl babies were born with low weight; 90,43% withnormal weight (2500-4000g; X=3331g), and 7,18%were hypetrophic, with weight over 4000g. As for boys,bigger percentage <strong>of</strong> boys with weight over 4000g wasnoted (12,63%). Comparing these information with thelatest standards (percentage curves; WHO: 2006), itwas concluded that 5,3%♂ and 3,28% ♀ are under C3;and 2,39%♂ and 6,46%♀ are over C97. Conclusions.Observed anthropological characteristics are conformablewith WHO standards, for example: mediana forweight at birth in Gračanica is between 3,2 +/-1SD forgirls, and 3,3 +/-1SD for boys. Secular trend was establishedfor birth weight ♂= 82,98g/dec; for body length1,12cm/dec; in girls, it is a bit lower.Key words: newborns, WHO, weight at birth, bodylength, head circumference, centile19

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