Engendering Justice - from Policy to Practice - The Fawcett Society

Engendering Justice - from Policy to Practice - The Fawcett Society

Engendering Justice - from Policy to Practice - The Fawcett Society

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Chapter Four:Women Need <strong>Justice</strong> - Women as Victims of CrimeSupport for Victims –Building the LinkI was <strong>to</strong>ld about the counselling service by SouthYorkshire police but none of them had councillorsavailable. <strong>The</strong> shortest waiting list was estimated at 2months. I had <strong>to</strong> borrow money <strong>from</strong> my parents forprivate counselling. When I lost my job I asked the GPabout NHS Counselling [but] she said it was pointlesseven going on the waiting list and prescribed me antidepressants.179Whilst links are developing between the criminal justicesystem and specialised support services, the dearth ofsuch services, and their limited capacity, mean that womenare not able <strong>to</strong> access support, even when, as the caseabove illustrates, they are aware of their own needs. <strong>The</strong>criminal justice system and community provision for victimsof violence, should not be seen as two distinct systems,but should be inter-linked. As one woman who works withfemale victims described <strong>to</strong> the Commission:Some more cooperation when dealing with the victimswould perhaps result in a better case being put forwardas we could provide some moral support for the victimwhen the case is being prepared and this may result in astronger case. 180Victim Support <strong>to</strong>ld the Commission that although therewas greater recognition of support services at the policylevel this did not always filter down <strong>to</strong> frontline police staffand prosecu<strong>to</strong>rs. Women’s Aid raised concern that womenare being helped through the criminal justice system byWitness Care Units, which is in direct contradiction <strong>to</strong> CPSpolicy and leads <strong>to</strong> support being provided by individualswithout specialist training in domestic or sexual violence.Criminal <strong>Justice</strong> Boards should be actively involved inensuring specialised support is available in their area.I suppose an improvement would have been if someonehad contacted me <strong>from</strong> the police as I was simply left <strong>to</strong>my own devices which subsequently created emotionalproblems which <strong>to</strong>ok extreme effort <strong>to</strong> finally deal with…It <strong>to</strong>ok a very long time for me <strong>to</strong> get back on my feet -especially as I was stupid enough <strong>to</strong> allow him <strong>to</strong> moveback in, although I subsequently ended the marriage sixmonths later. I felt enormous guilt at the time for somereason and perhaps some support/counselling wouldhave made all the difference, and I wouldn’t have gone on<strong>to</strong> waste another year of my life. I recall feeling extremelyfoolish and wondered if I was wasting everyone’s time- that somehow I should have been able <strong>to</strong> manage thesituation and his attacks by myself.Female victim of domestic violence, QuestionnaireResponse, February 2009<strong>The</strong> Government has implemented a number of initiatives,designed <strong>to</strong> increase the support provided <strong>to</strong> victims.Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) andIndependent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) have beenintroduced <strong>to</strong> provide support for victims negotiating thecriminal justice system. 38 ISVA posts are currently fundedby the Home Office in England and Wales. IDVA and ISVAposts have the potential <strong>to</strong> provide much needed supportfor victims. However, the Commission has a number ofconcerns with the existing model:• <strong>The</strong> ISVA scheme is currently under-resourced. Forexample, the ISVA who gave evidence <strong>to</strong> the Commissionwas the only ISVA for the whole of the Eastern region andthe Commission was also <strong>to</strong>ld about delays in fundingstreams which have meant services have been forced <strong>to</strong>suspend their ISVA post.• IDVA funding is being mainstreamed <strong>to</strong> local authoritiesthis year and it is unclear whether funding will continueand also if continuance will be at the cost of otherservices such as refuges.• <strong>The</strong> ISVA training and framework is based on thatdeveloped for domestic violence and fails <strong>to</strong> address thespecialist and complex issues specific <strong>to</strong> sexual violenceand the crucial differences between the Magistrates Courtand the Crown Court. This is amplified where IDVA andISVA roles are merged in some regions.• <strong>The</strong>re is inconsistency between regions with ISVAposts - roles are defined differently and <strong>to</strong>ols such asPage 62

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