Making it Work - Control Arms

Making it Work - Control Arms

Making it Work - Control Arms

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SAFERWORLD 25providing a defin<strong>it</strong>ive judgement regarding how the transfer breaches the terms of theTreaty and what steps should be taken as a result.As an ATT will represent a unique form of international agreement, there is lim<strong>it</strong>edexperience of this type of adjudication, particularly in the non-proliferation sphere,upon which the arch<strong>it</strong>ects of the regime may draw. However, under the CWC theTechnical Secretariat can mandate a Group of Experts to look into and clarify aparticular question of compliance before the Meeting of States Parties considers <strong>it</strong>.Adjudication-type provisions are more commonplace in the environmental sphere,w<strong>it</strong>h the most highly developed procedures found w<strong>it</strong>hin the Kyoto Protocolcompliance system (see section 5.2 above). Under this agreement, decisions taken bythe Compliance Comm<strong>it</strong>tee cannot be appealed, except w<strong>it</strong>h regards to a decision ofthe Enforcement branch relating to emissions targets. In such cases, a state party canappeal to the CoP/MoP only if <strong>it</strong> believes <strong>it</strong> has been denied due process. Under CITES,the Secretariat possesses considerable power, since not only does <strong>it</strong> assess and verifycompliance related information, but <strong>it</strong> also makes recommendations to the CoP andthe Standing Comm<strong>it</strong>tee, which can be far reaching and are often implemented. 355.3.2 DisputesettlementBeyond concerns over individual international arms transfers <strong>it</strong> is also possible thatmore general disputes may arise over Treaty implementation or the application of <strong>it</strong>sprovisions. In this regard, <strong>it</strong> will be important for an ATT to establish procedures foraddressing such matters w<strong>it</strong>hin a constructive framework.Dispute settlement procedures are a part of some, but not all, international treatiesand those that do exist are variable in scope. For example the provisions containedw<strong>it</strong>hin the CFE Treaty are lim<strong>it</strong>ed to mandating the Joint Consultative Group to dealw<strong>it</strong>h any disputes that may arise concerning the operation of the Treaty. There is nomention of how disputes or evidence of non-compliance are to be handled andultimately, states that consider their supreme interests to have been threatened havel<strong>it</strong>tle recourse except to w<strong>it</strong>hdraw from the agreement. 36 The provisions of the MineBan Convention are similarly lim<strong>it</strong>ed in that states are required to ‘consult and cooperate’37 in order to settle disputes concerning the application or interpretation of theConvention and w<strong>it</strong>h the Meeting of States Parties contributing to this process inwhatever way <strong>it</strong> sees f<strong>it</strong>. In the context of general disputes regarding the application orinterpretation of the CWC, the states parties concerned are required to consult w<strong>it</strong>h aview to the exped<strong>it</strong>ious settlement of the dispute by negotiation or by other peacefulmeans; this may also include recourse to the International Court of Justice, although <strong>it</strong>is doubtful whether this would yield speedy resolution. Ultimately, the Conference ofStates Parties is responsible for ensuring the settlement of disputes, involving otherorgans of the Convention, as <strong>it</strong> deems appropriate.5.3.3 SanctionsDesp<strong>it</strong>e containing provisions for verification and dispute settlement, few armscontrol or non-proliferation regimes specify any sanctions in the event that a treatybreach is recognised. In such cases the major<strong>it</strong>y of regimes that specify any furtherrecourse simply refer the matter to the UN Secur<strong>it</strong>y Council and/or General Assembly.One exception is the CWC under which measures can be adopted in the face of clearviolation of <strong>it</strong>s provisions. The Conference of States Parties has ultimate responsibil<strong>it</strong>yfor ensuring compliance and, taking advice from the Executive Council, may decide torestrict or suspend a State Party’s rights and privileges under the Convention until35 Rosalind Reeve, Ibid.36 In July 2007 Russia went some way towards this by announcing that <strong>it</strong> was suspending the application of the CFE Treaty,ruling out further inspections and data exchanges.37 1997 Convention on the Prohib<strong>it</strong>ion of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on theirDestruction, Article 10. http://www.icbl.org

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