LF95 Linux User's Guide - Lahey Computer Systems

LF95 Linux User's Guide - Lahey Computer Systems

LF95 Linux User's Guide - Lahey Computer Systems


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Environment Variables for Input/OutputThe following example shows how to connect myfile.dat to unit number 10 prior to the startof execution.Example:setenv fu10 myfile.datfuunitbf size 00 < unit < 2147483647The fuunitbf environment variable specifies the size of the input/output work area used bysequential or direct access input/output statements. This applies equally to both formattedand unformatted files. The value unit in the fuunitbf environment variable specifies the unitnumber (the number must have at least two digits). The size argument used for sequentialaccess input/output statements is in kilobytes; the size argument used for direct access input/output statements is in records. The size argument must be an integer with a value of 1 ormore. A size argument specified for one unit does not automatically apply to other units.If this environment variable and the -g option are omitted, the input/output work area sizeused by sequential access input/output statements defaults to eight megabytes. The size argumentfor direct access input/output statements is the number of Fortran records per block infixed-block format. The size argument must be an integer from 1 to 32767 that indicates thenumber of Fortran records per block. If this environment variable and the -d option are omitted,the area size is four kilobytes.Example 1:Sequential Access Input/Output Statements.setenv fu10bf 64When sequential access input/output statements are executed for unit number 10, the statementsuse an input/output work area of 64 kilobytes.Example 2:Direct Access Input/Output Statements.setenv fu10bf 50When direct access input/output statements are executed for unit number 10, the number ofFortran records included in one block is 50. The input/output work area size is obtained bymultiplying 50 by the value specified in the RECL= specifier of the OPEN statement.<strong>Lahey</strong>/Fujitsu <strong>Linux</strong>64 Fortran User’s <strong>Guide</strong> 141

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