LF95 Linux User's Guide - Lahey Computer Systems

LF95 Linux User's Guide - Lahey Computer Systems

LF95 Linux User's Guide - Lahey Computer Systems


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RegistersRegisters$BP Base Pointer$SP Stack Pointer$EIP Program counter$EFLAGS Processor state register$ST[0-7] Floating-point registersNamesWhen communicating with fdb, all procedure names must be in lower case, regardless of thecase used in the source file. The main program name, when not specified in a PROGRAMstatement, is main. In order to prevent user names from conflicting with intrinsic or runtimelibrary names, the compiler “decorates” procedure and common block names by adding anunderscore, ‘_’, after the corresponding name specified in the Fortran source program. Whenreferencing an external or module procedure or a common block in fdb, the trailing underscoreis optional. However, when referencing any internal procedures, the name must bespecified with the trailing underscore.CommandsCommands can be abbreviated by entering only the underlined letter or letters in the commanddescriptions. For example, kill can be abbreviated simply k and oncebreak can beabbreviated ob. All commands should be typed in lower case, unless otherwise noted.Character literals must be enclosed by quotation marks (the symbol ", which is ascii 34). Filenames must be enclosed by the grave accent (the symbol `, which is ascii 96).Executing and Terminating a Programrun arglistPasses the arglist list of arguments to the program at execution time. When arglist is omitted,the program is executed using the arguments last specified. If arglist contains an argumentthat starts with "", the program is executed after the I/O is redirected. If single-steppingor other program control is desired, a breakpoint must be set before issuing the runcommand, otherwise the program will immediately run to completion. For an explanation ofbreakpoints, see “Breakpoints” on page 69. A breakpoint can also be set at MAIN__, themain Fortran entry point. Do not set a breakpoint at main; no debug information will existthere.<strong>Lahey</strong>/Fujitsu <strong>Linux</strong>64 Fortran User’s <strong>Guide</strong> 67

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