Course in Probability Theory

Course in Probability Theory

Course in Probability Theory


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248 1 CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM AND ITS RAMIFICATIONSThis requires just a rough estimate entail<strong>in</strong>g a suitable choice of c . By (8)applied to {-X,) and (15), for almost every w the follow<strong>in</strong>g two assertionsare true :(i) S,jk+ , ( cv) - S„ k. (w) > (p(1 - (3/2), tk ) for <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itely many k ;(ii) Silk (w) > -cp(2, silk ) for all sufficiently large k .For such an w, we have thenS(17) S„ k .+) (w) > 2 , tk - cp(2, sil k ) for <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itely many k .Us<strong>in</strong>g (9) and log log t2 log log Snk+l, we see that the expression <strong>in</strong> the rightside of (17) is asymptotically greater thanCS\ 11 - 2 1 -\\ / C2- C cp(1, Snk+i )> (P(1 - S, Snk+3 ),provided that c is chosen sufficiently large . Do<strong>in</strong>g this, we have thereforeproved that(18) '7(Enk+l _ i .o .) = 1,which certa<strong>in</strong>ly implies (16) .4° . The truth of (8) and (16), for each fixed S, 0 < S 1} . Recall that (3) is more than sufficient to ensure the validityof the central limit theorem, namely that S n /s n converges <strong>in</strong> dist . to c1. Thusthe law of the iterated logarithm complements the central limit theorem bycircumscrib<strong>in</strong>g the extraord<strong>in</strong>ary fluctuations of the sequence {S n , n > 1} . Animmediate consequence is that for almost every w, the sample sequence S, (w)changes sign <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite&v often . For much more precise results <strong>in</strong> this directionsee Chapter 8 .In view of the discussion preced<strong>in</strong>g Theorem 7 .3.3, one may wonderabout the almost everywhere bounds formax S<strong>in</strong> , max JSmJ, and so on .1

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