Kaiser Family Foundation Survey on State Medicaid Managed Care ...

Kaiser Family Foundation Survey on State Medicaid Managed Care ...

Kaiser Family Foundation Survey on State Medicaid Managed Care ...

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APPENDIX 7: MCO Network Adequacy Requirements by Type of <strong>Care</strong>, by <strong>State</strong><strong>State</strong> Primary <strong>Care</strong> Obstetric <strong>Care</strong> Specialty <strong>Care</strong> Hospital <strong>Care</strong> Dental <strong>Care</strong>AZ All categories:We require an annual Network and Development Plan, as required in the AHCCCS C<strong>on</strong>tractor Operati<strong>on</strong>s Manual (ACOM) Policy 415 [42 CFR 438.207 (b)], Acute <strong>Care</strong> C<strong>on</strong>tract, Secti<strong>on</strong> D, Par 27 & ALTCS C<strong>on</strong>tract, Secti<strong>on</strong> D,CA 2000 Beneficiaries to 1 PCP. Sufficient to serve assigned populati<strong>on</strong>. Sufficient to serve assigned Par 28. populati<strong>on</strong>. Must meet requirements for time and distance - 10 miles and 30 minutes.Not covered in Medi-Cal managed care.CO 1 to 2,000 providers to clients. Same as Primary <strong>Care</strong>. Same as Primary <strong>Care</strong>. Same as Primary <strong>Care</strong>. TBDCarved out.CT 387 adult members per adult PCP and 301children per child PCP; also PCP within 15miles.DC MCO shall have at least 2 PCPs bothgeographically available and able todem<strong>on</strong>strate can accept patients whilemaintaining their overall patient load withinprofessi<strong>on</strong>al and industry norms andcommunity standards.835 members per woman PCPincluding obstetrics and gynecologyspecialists, nurse midwives, and nursepractiti<strong>on</strong>ers of the appropriatespecialty.In additi<strong>on</strong> to a PCP, a female Enrolleemay have a women's health specialist.MCO shall provide female Enrolleeswith direct access to a women's healthspecialist within the network forcovered women's routine andpreventive health care services.Network adequacy evaluati<strong>on</strong>s shall use ratiosof Members to specific types of providers andshall not be less than the access ratio based <strong>on</strong>the C<strong>on</strong>necticut <strong>Medicaid</strong> fee-for-servicedelivery system for a similar populati<strong>on</strong>.MCO shall have a network including sufficientnumber and classes to furnish covered specialtyservices. The network shall include medicalsubspecialists and pediatric specialists andsubspecialists. There is a list of specialists, at aminimum the MCO shall include within theirnetwork, but not limited to a list of Specialists asidentified by DHCF.Network adequacy evaluati<strong>on</strong>s shall useratios of Members to specific types ofproviders and shall not be less than theaccess ratio based <strong>on</strong> the C<strong>on</strong>necticut<strong>Medicaid</strong> fee-for-service delivery system fora similar populati<strong>on</strong>.Must dem<strong>on</strong>strate a hospital network in theDistrict capable of furnishing a full range oftertiary services to enrollees. Enrollees shallhave access to at least two general acutecare hospitals located in the District.Additi<strong>on</strong>ally, there is a specific healthsystem MCOs shall include within theirnetwork, or shall have hospital(s) providingcomparable services offered by the healthsystem, and at least <strong>on</strong>e hospital thatspecializes in pediatric care.MCOs shall maintain a sufficientnetwork of dental providers, includingdentists, pediatric dentists,orthod<strong>on</strong>tists and oral surge<strong>on</strong>s to meetthe needs of the enrollees.DE 30 minutes/30 miles. 100 miles.FL 1 full-time PCP per 1500 enrollees (mayincrease by 750 for each ARNP or PA).GA Urban Area: 2 within 8 miles: Rural: 2 within15 miles.HI 1 PCP for every 600 members. Included <strong>on</strong> each island served. Specialists available <strong>on</strong> each island served orbring to another island (or out of state) toIL At least <strong>on</strong>e FTE physician for each 1,200enrollees.At least <strong>on</strong>e Women's Health Providerfor each 2,000 female enrolleesbetween ages 19 and 44; at least <strong>on</strong>ephysician specializing in obstetrics foreach 300 pregnant female enrollees.provide.At least <strong>on</strong>e pediatrician for each 2,000enrollees under age 19.1 accredited hospital bed per 275 enrollees.For Obstetrics, Specialty, Hospital and Dental: Urban Area: 1 within 30 miles or 30 minutes; Rural Area: 1 within 45 miles or 45 minutes.Included <strong>on</strong> each island served. N/AC<strong>on</strong>tractor must establish and maintain anetwork of affiliated providers, includinghospitals, that is sufficient to provideadequate access to all services under thec<strong>on</strong>tract.N/AIN Availability within 30 miles of member'sresidence.KSKYMA PCP 1:200 per enrollees and 2 or more withopen panels within 15 miles or 30 minutes ofenrollee's residence.30 miles. Selected specialties must have 2 within 60 milesfor member's residence, some are 1 within 90miles.All categories: Delivery sites that are no more than 30 miles/30 minutes for members in urban areas, or 45 miles/45 minutes for members in rural areas.MD 200:1 ratio; 1 provider in 10 mins/10 milesurban; 1 provider in 30 mins/30 miles rural.no standard. no standard.OB 1:500 female enrollees. Top 5 specialist 1:500 enrollees. Within 20 miles or 40 minutes of enrollee'sresidence.Same as Primary <strong>Care</strong>. Varies by specialty. Detailed in regulati<strong>on</strong>COMAR<strong>on</strong>e; all MCOs participate with all hospitalsin Maryland.N/A - covered by the state.1 provider in 10 mins/10 miles urban; 1provider in 30 mins/30 miles rural.MI Michigan has a ratio standard of 1 PCP forevery 750 members.Open access to OB services. Must have certain specialties within network ifavailable.Must have hospital c<strong>on</strong>tract if possible ormust have the Michigan Hospital Accessagreement available.65

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