Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous

Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous

Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous


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Self-supportOur first experience with the Seventh Tradition may be when the basket is passedat the meetings we attend. Our contribution in a meeting may have been the firsttime we experienced feelings of responsibility and a growing sense of belonging tosomething bigger than ourselves. Yet, a broader definition of NA’s principle of beingfully self-supporting means that our organization is sustained by our own energythrough member donations and service efforts. We don’t solicit for financialcontributions from the public. When we practice the Seventh Tradition, the spirit ofself-support encourages responsible actions, anonymity, and integrity in ourrelationships with the public.Self-support and public service announcementsWe are a not-for-profit organization; therefore, we are often offered charitablerates on things like group meeting-space rentals or public service advertisements, suchas radio spots or public transit placements. We may fear that when we aren’t chargedfor a thirty-second spot on a radio program or for an informational NA poster in atrain station, we are not being self-supporting. <strong>Public</strong> service announcements are oftenavailable to charitable organizations. In these situations, the media is providing thepublic with a service through these announcements. <strong>Public</strong> service announcements donot compromise or jeopardize our principle of self-support. These are opportunitiesthat the public creates for community service organizations. What we offer the stillsufferingaddict in NA has a benefit to society. Accepting charitable rates and discountsthat are offered to other similar community service organizations is in keeping withthe principle of self-support.In fact, this example of public service announcements can be an opportunity for usto build a cooperative relationship with members of the public in our community.This offering of services to charitable organizations is a way that public organizationsand businesses enter into cooperative relationships within the community. Bycombining our efforts with these organizations and taking a team approach, wedemonstrate our ability to cooperate. We are not attaching ourselves or affiliatingourselves with these organizations. Rather, we can enter these relationships basedon the spirit of cooperation.Self-support and nonaddictsJust as we are permitted to accept free public service announcements and discountedrates for meeting space, we may accept help from nonaddicts. This volunteering ofservices by nonaddicts may be considered a typical part of their community service. Forexample, a healthcare professional may offer to volunteer time to NA by sitting in on aninventory session to discuss challenges both parties are facing in finding ways for addictsto easily reach NA. In this example, there is a distinction between services that arenormally billable (such as a nonaddict accountant offering to manage a local committee’sbank records) and a relationship that benefits both NA and the outside party. Whenboth parties are benefiting from the cooperative interaction, and are closer to reachingtheir mutual goals, then both parties involved equally support the relationship. NA is notbeing given any special treatment by accepting this volunteer service from a nonmember.Instead, NA is merely one of many not-for-profit organizations that can obtain avolunteer’s time. When considering using a nonaddict volunteer, local NA communitiescan ask themselves the following questions: Will accepting this service give the personor organization undue influence over NA? Will accepting this service make us reliant onthis person or organization? Undue influence can also be avoided by asking if the servicebeing offered benefits both NA and the outside party.12 | Chapter 2 | Core PR Principles

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