Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous

Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous

Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous


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The signing of cards is providing a service to addicts. The NA group is notparticipating in surveillance. In NA’s early history, every meeting was undersurveillance. Asking the police to stop surveilling meetings so that addicts wouldnot be afraid to attend them was one of our fellowship’s first cooperative PRactions; if we find that meetings are under surveillance again, we can take similaractions. In signing court-attendance cards, groups are verifying attendance as aservice for addicts, not for the courts. The confidentiality of the addict will berespected; we strive to treat court-referred members in the same way that wetreat other NA members. In some instances, members may be concerned that addicts with court cards areleaving meetings early. Fortunately, it is not our responsibility to monitorwhether or not a court-referred member stays for the entire meeting. Todiscourage these members from leaving early, however, some groups collectcards when the Seventh Tradition collection is passed and return them at theend of the meeting. If the group is uncomfortable with signing cards, then theymay want to consider alternatives like a group stamp.The strength of our relationship with the criminal-justice system has the potential tomake a difference in the lives of many addicts. Strong relationships are built on clearcommunication, reliability, trustworthiness, and ongoing dialogue. We practice ourprimary purpose of carrying NA’s message to suffering addicts in our service efforts withthe criminal-justice system.ResourcesCriminal justice encouragement letterCriminal justice letter to professionalsFrequently asked questions – Criminal justice professionalsCriminal justice tracking formH&I request for panel meeting letterPanel leader report to ASCArea H&I chairperson report formCriminal justice new group in correctional facilityCriminal justice request for literature letterProfessional referral letterOrganizational contact suggestionsDrug courtsCorrectional facilities and jailsForensic unitsPolice/sheriffEducation/training (law schools, drug-court training, criminal-justice educationprograms, police academies, etc.)Professional associations (specifically national and international)Probation/parole officers60 | Chapter 6 | Criminal Justice

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