Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous

Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous

Public Relations Handbook - Narcotics Anonymous


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that subcommittees are communicating and supporting each other in reaching theidentified service goals.Some areas have combined two subcommittees in an effort to improvecommunication and maximize resources. In an instance like this, a function such asphonelines would be included with the public information subcommittee.A committee structure may also use an ad hoc committee or workgroups toget specific service projects done. The work of an ad hoc committee or workgroupis limited to a specific period of time; the committee has a single focus, and isaccountable to the area.The use of coordinators can also help service committees to cooperate moredirectly with each other. Coordinators communicate information about currentservices being provided to each subcommittee. They do not necessarily providehands-on services but serve more as a communication link between committees.Coordinators can also act as a communication link between regions and areas.Umbrella structureIn an umbrella structure, services are provided under one overarching umbrella.This could be a total integration of the functions of all area committees (Hospitals andInstitutions, <strong>Public</strong> Information, Phoneline, Activities, and Outreach). Or it may be acombination of two subcommittees that share one pool of resources. If an area usesan umbrella structure, then the service body discusses and decides which services tointegrate. An umbrella structure may utilize coordinators (for instance, phonelineservice coordinators) to assist with providing services, or an area may find that an adhoc committee or workgroup would help complete prioritized service projects.<strong>Public</strong> relations umbrella: The focus of a public relations umbrella structureis to provide services to those outside of NA. In this structure, members ofan area work together to build relationships with public organizations.Instead of dividing into subcommittees, one group of trusted servantsconsiders resources, requests from members and the public, and the NAcommunity’s overall needs. A chairperson or coordinator can bring thecommittee’s recommendations to the larger service body for discussion,direction, and consensus. This structure can allow for a more unified andcoordinated approach to providing services.Fellowship development umbrella: This structure is similar to a publicrelations umbrella except that the focus is on supporting the growth of otherNA service bodies. In a fellowship development umbrella, one group oftrusted servants provides information, training, and support to other NAareas. This support allows each service body to provide services that bestmeet the needs in their local community. This structure may be useful inlarge geographic territories where each area needs to be empowered toprovide effective services in their own community.…We remind you that, of course, your NA community can organize itsservices in any way that seems fit. Examine the service needs among yourareas, experiment, and find out what works best for you… However youdecide to coordinate NA services in your community is perfectly alright,even if you don’t see it described in an NA service manual, so long as it trulyserves the best interests of your NA community and does not conflict witheither our Twelve Traditions or our Twelve Concepts for NA Service.A Guide to Local Services in NA24 | Chapter 3 | Effective Services

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