MUA Executive Policy - Van Flymen & Associates

MUA Executive Policy - Van Flymen & Associates

MUA Executive Policy - Van Flymen & Associates

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Section 5 : Liability PlusChartis South Africa Limited (referred to in this sectionas ‘Chartis’) provides insurance for this section andundertakes to cover you for the events listed in thissection of your policy. <strong>MUA</strong> (representing Compass andcollectively referred to as ‘the insurer’) will act as thecontact point between policyholders and Chartis for thesubmission, settlement and negotiation of your claims orconfirmation of policy or claim information and in otherrelated matters.SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS FOR THIS SECTION1. Insured event: Death, injury, sickness or disease ordeath sustained by a person resulting from suchinjury, sickness or disease including mental injury,mental anguish and shock or physical damage to,loss of use or destruction of tangible propertyWHAT CHARTIS OFFERS1.Your covera.b.Chartis will cover you for any one event notexceeding the amount as stated in your schedule.This cover includes any costs and expensesthat you may incur with their written consentand any costs and expenses that any claimantmay recover from you after deduction of anypayments or awards made and due to be paidunder Section 4: Personal Liability or Section 10:Legal Liability to Third Parties of your policy.Chartis will cover you for more than the limitprovided under Section 4: Personal Liability andunder Section 10: Legal Liability to Third Partiesof your policy, but not for more than the amountas stated in your schedule that you are legallyliable to pay by law or that you undertook to payunder any contract in the event of death, bodilyinjury or property damage that is not covered bySection 4: Personal Liability or Section 10: LegalLiabilities to Third Parties, provided thati.ii.iii.no legal liability will be accepted by Chartisunless and until you have paid or been heldlegally liable to pay the full amount as statedin your schedule.under no circumstances will the combinedliability cover of Chartis and the insurerexceed the amount(s) as stated in yourschedule (for Liability Plus). The limit of legalliability under this section shall be reducedby any sum paid or payable by either Chartisor by the insurer under your policy.in the event of a claim that is likely to exceedthe amount as stated in your schedule,you may not incur any costs withoutChartis’s written consent. You must ensurethat Chartis be given the opportunity tocooperate in the settlement of claims in2.3.which Chartis is interested. Should the claimbecome adjustable before going into courtor judgment be entered for an amountof not more than the amount as stated inyour schedule, no costs shall be payable byChartis under this section.iv. if by reason of the payment of any claimor claims by the insurer during the periodof insurance and the cover provided bySection 4: Personal Liability or Section 10:Legal Liability to Third Parties is• partially reduced, then this cover willapply in excess of the reduced amount ofSection 4: Personal Liability and Section10: Legal Liability to Third Parties for theremainder of the period of insurance• totally exhausted, then this cover willstay in force as your liability cover untilexpiry of your policy.Territorial limitsa.b.In respect of Section 10: Legal Liability to ThirdParties, this section of the policy covers aninsured event happening in any sub-SaharanAfrican country.In respect of Section 4: Personal Liability, thissection of the policy covers an insured eventhappening anywhere in the world, but not inrespect of any judgement, award, payment orsettlement made within the United States ofAmerica or Canada (or any order made anywherein the world to enforce such judgement, award,payment or settlement, either in whole or in part).JurisdictionThis section is subject to the laws of the Republic ofSouth Africa.34 <strong>MUA</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Policy</strong>

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